Luke 6
A wheen heids oʼ corn for the hungʼry. A pickle for ilk ane oot oʼ this graun field‐sermon!
1Noo it cam aboot that on the Sabbath‐day he was gaun throwe the corn‐fields; and his disciples puʼd the heids oʼ corn, and war eatin, rubbing them iʼ their loof.
2But some oʼ the Pharisees said, “Why dae ye an unlawfuʼ thing on the Sabbath‐day?”
3And Jesus answerin them said, “Hae ye no eʼen read this, what Dauvid did, whan he was hungerʼt, he and thae wiʼ him?
4“Hoo he gaed intil Godʼs hoose, and did tak and eat oʼ the Breid oʼ Presentation, and gied to thae that war wiʼ him; whilk wasna lawfuʼ for him to eat — but for the priests alane?”
5And he said to them, “The Son oʼ Man is Lord eʼen oʼ the Sabbath.”
6And it cam aboot that on anither Sabbath‐day he gaed intil a kirk, and was teachin. And a man was thar, and his richt haun was dwined awa.
7But the Writers and the Pharisees war lookin, gin he wad heal on the Sabbath‐day, that they micht hae an accusation again him.
8Noo he kent their thochts; natheless he says to the man wiʼ his haun dwined awa, “Rise ye, and staun forth iʼ the mids!” And he raise, and stude forth.
9And Jesus said to them, “I quaisten ye: is it lawfuʼ on the Sabbath to do gude, or to do ill? to save a life, or to destroy it?”
10And he lookit roond aboot on them aʼ, and said to the man, “Rax oot yere haun!” And he did sae, and his haun was restored, like as the ither.
11And they war fuʼ oʼ rage: and they coonsellʼt ane wiʼ anither what they wad do to Jesus?
12And it cam aboot iʼ thae days, that he gaed oot intil a mountain for prayer; and was aʼ the nicht in prayer to God.
13And whan the dawin cam, he caʼd his disciples, and waled oot frae them twalʼ, wham eke he named “Apostles”:
14Simon, wham eke he named “Peter,” and Andro his brither, James and John, Philip and Bartholomie,
15And Matthew and Tammas, James oʼ Alpheus, and Simon oʼ the Zealots,
16And Judas oʼ James, and Judas Iscariot, wha was the traitor.
17And he cam doon wiʼ them, and stude on an even bit oʼ grunʼ: and a great thrang oʼ his disciples, and an unco number oʼ folk frae aʼ Judea and Jerusalem, and the coast aboot Tyre and Sidon, wha cam to hear him, and to be healed oʼ their ills,
18And they that war sair fashʼd wiʼ foul spirits; and they war healed.
19And aʼ the thrang socht to touch him, for thar gaed forth pooer frae him, and healed aʼ.
20And he liftit up his een on his disciples, and quoʼ he, “Happy, ye destitute! for yours is Godʼs Kingdom.
21“Happy, ye wha are hungerin noo! for ye sal be fillʼd! Happy, ye wha greet noo; for ye sal smile.
22“Happy are ye, whan men sal hate ye, and whan they sal separate ye, and miscaʼ ye, and cast oot yere name as vileness, for the Son oʼ Manʼs sake.
23“Blythe be ye iʼ that day, and lowp for joy! for lo! yere meed is great Aboon: for in siclike mainner did their faithers to the prophets.
24“But wae for you, ye rich anes! for ye are noo haein yere consolation.
25“Wae for you wha hae been filled fuʼ noo! for ye sal hungʼer. Wae for you wha lauch noo! for ye sal greet.
26“Alack! whan aʼ folk speak weel oʼ ye! for eʼen sae did their faithers to the fause prophets.
27“But I say to you wha hear: loʼe#6:27 This rule is like gude seed sawn iʼ the yirth; and itʼs aye growin! It brairdit langsyne, and it wull ripen some day! wars sal cease, and hate be shamed oʼ itsel! Div ye no think we can best understaun the Saxth Commandment, by takin it as a commaun again Hatred? Hate is the nation, but Murder is the king; and the declaration oʼ war is again the king — but taks in aʼ his subjects! See Matt. 5:21, 22. And sae wiʼ aʼ the Commauns! yere faes! do gude to them wha hate ye.
28“Be blessin them that ban ye; pray for them that ill‐use ye.
29“To him that clours ye on ae cheek, gie eʼen the ither; and frae him wha poinds yere coat, withhaud‐na yere cloak as weel.
30Bestow on ilk ane wha seeks frae ye; and frae him wha taks awa yere gudes, ask them no again.
31“And as ye wad that men soud do to yersels, do ye eʼen the same to them likewise.
32“Gin ye loe them that loʼe ye, whatna thanks are thar for ye? for eʼen the ill‐deedie loʼe thae that loʼe them.
33“And gin aiblins ye do gude to them that do gude to yersels, whatna thanks hae ye? for eʼen the ill‐deedie do the same.
34“And gin aiblins ye lend to thae frae wham ye hope to receive, whatna thanks dae ye win? for the evil lend to the evil, to receive as muckle again.
35“But loʼe yeʼre enemies, and do them gude, and lend, lookin for naething back; and yere meed sal be great, and ye sal be bairns oʼ the Maist Heigh; for he is kindlie to the ungratefuʼ and the reprobate.
36“Be ye than mercifuʼ, eʼen as yere Faither is mercifuʼ.
37“And judge‐na, and yeʼse be‐na judged: condemn‐na, and yeʼse be‐na condemned: release, and yeʼse be released.
38“Bestow, and it sal be bestown upon you: gude measur, pangʼd doon and jouslʼt thegither, and skailin ower, sal they gie intil yere lap: for wiʼ yere ain measur that ye measur sal it be gien back to ye.”
39And he spak a parable to them: “May the blinʼ lead the blinʼ? Wull they no baith faʼ intil a sheugh?
40“A disciple is no aboon his Maister; but, whan perfetit, he sal be as his Maister.
41“But why div ye tak tent oʼ the mote iʼ yere britherʼs ee, but consider‐na the baulk thatʼs iʼ yere ain ee?
42“Or hoo can ye say till yere brither, ‘Brither, lat me puʼ oot the mote that is in yere ee,’ whan ye yersel see‐na the baulk that is in yere ain ee? Dissembler! cast oot first the baulk oot oʼ yere ain ee, and than may ye see weel to puʼ oot the mote that is in yere britherʼs ee.
43“For a sounʼ tree brings‐na forth feckless frute, nor dis a feckless tree bring forth gude frute.
44“For ilka tree may be kent by its ain frute: for folk gaither‐na figs oʼ thistles, nor oʼ a bramble gaither they grapes.
45“The gude man, oot oʼ the gude gear oʼ his ain heart, brings oot what is gude; and the ill man, oot oʼ the ill, what is ill; for, oot oʼ the owercome oʼ his heart his mouʼ speaks.
46“But for why say ye to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ and div‐na what I say?
47“Whasae comes to me, and hears my words, I wull schaw ye wham he is like:
48“He is like to a man biggin a hoose, wha howkit deep, and laid a fundation on a rock; and, a spate comin, the torrent struck sair again that hoose, and coud‐na ding it, for it was biggit on a rock.
49“But he wha hears and dis‐na, is like to a man that biggit a hoose on the yird, wantin a fundation; agane whilk cam doon the spate, and at ance it was dang in; and the faʼ oʼ that hoose was great!”
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Luke 6: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.