Luke 5
Fishes to the nets: and a man doon throwe the riggin to the Healer!
1Noo it cam aboot, as the folk panged aboot him to hear Godʼs word, he stude by Gennesaret Loch.
2And saw twa boats lying by the Loch; but the fishers war gane frae them, and war syndin their nets.
3And gaun intil ane oʼ the boats — whilk was Simonʼs — he wad hae him pit aff a wee frae the lanʼ; and sittin doon, he was teachin the thrang oot oʼ the boat.
4And whan he quat speakin, he says to Simon. “Pit oot intil the deep, and lat doon yere nets for a haul.”
5And answerin, Simon says to him, “Maister! though we toiled aʼ nicht, we tuik naething; yet at thy sayin I wull lat doon the nets!”
6And whan they did this, they took an unco number oʼ fish; and their nets war giean way.
7And they made signs to their pairtners iʼ the ither boat, to come and gie them a haun. And they cam; and they filled fuʼ baith the boats, sae that they war like to sink.
8And Simon Peter, whan he saw, fell doon at Jesusʼ knees, cryin, “Depairt frae me, for I am a sinfuʼ man, O Lord!”
9For amazement overcam him, and aʼ that war wiʼ him, on accoont oʼ the haul oʼ fish they tuik.
10And eʼen sae wiʼ baith James and John, Zebedeeʼs sons, wha war pairtners wiʼ Simon. And Jesus says to Simon, “Fear‐na! Frae this time ye sal tak men!”
11And, bringin their boats to the lanʼ, they left aʼ and followʼt him.
12And it cam aboot, that being in a certain citie, look ye! a man fuʼ oʼ leprosie; and haein sicht oʼ Jesus, he fell doon on his face, and cryʼt oot, “Lord! gin thou be willin, thou can mak me weel!”
13And he raxʼt oot his haun, sayin, “I wull! Be clean!” And at ance the leprosie gaed frae him.
14And he chairged him to tell nane; “but gang, schaw yersel to the priest, and gie for yere recoverin what Moses enjoined, for a token to them.”
15But the word aboot him spread sae muckle the mair; and unco thrangs cam thegither to hear him, and to be recoverʼt oʼ their ills.
16But he was retirin to the wilderness, and prayin.
17And it cam aboot on ane oʼ thae days, that he was teachin, and thar war sittin Pharisees and Writers, wha war come oot oʼ ilka toun oʼ Galilee and Judea, and Jerusalem; and the Lordʼs pooer was thar to heal them.
18And look! they fesh on a couch a man wiʼ a stroke; and they socht to fesh him in, and lay him doon afore Him.
19And no kennin hoo they coud bring him in, on accoont oʼ the thrang, they gaed up on the hoose‐tap, and throwe the tilin they loutit him doon, wiʼ his couch, iʼ the mids, afore Jesus.
20And seein their lealness, he says to him, “Man, yere sins are forgien ye!”
21And the Writers and the Pharisees begude to dispute, “Wha is this utterin profaneness? Wha can forgie sins but God allenar?”
22But Jesus kennin their thochts, says to them, “Why are ye debatin iʼ yere hearts?
23“Whilk is easier to say, ‘Yeʼre sins are forgienʼ: or to say, ‘Rise ye and walk’?
24“But in order ye may ken that the Son oʼ Man has authoritie on the yirth to forgie sins,” [he says to the paralytic], “Rise! and takin up yere couch, gang yere ways till yere hame!”
25And at ance, afore them aʼ, risin, and liftin that whaur‐on he lay, he gaed aff to his ain hoose, giean glorie to God.
26And they war aʼ astoundit, and glorifyʼt God; and war fuʼ oʼ dreid, sayin, “We hae seen unco things the day!”
27And eftir thir things, he gaed forth and saw a tax‐man, caʼd Levi, presidin at the tax‐liftin; and said to him, “Be followin me!”
28And forsakin aʼ, he raise and followʼt him.
29And Levi made a great feast for him in his hoose; and a great company oʼ tax‐men and ithers sat doon wiʼ him.
30And the Pharisees and their Writers war yammerin at his disciples, sayin, “Hoo isʼt that ye eat and drink wiʼ tax‐men and reprobates?”
31And Jesus answerin, says to them, “Itʼs no the hale anes wha want the leech, but the ill anes!
32“I hae‐na come to win richtous anes, but sinfuʼ anes to repentance.”
33And they say to him,#5:33 It gars ane feel dowie and wae, to see, aʼ throwe this chapter, hoo the Pharisees and Doctors war hingin on him, and houndin him! aye seekin something to faut him wiʼ. Oh for the spirit that aye seeks something to commend and praise, raither than ban and flyte! “Hoo isʼt that Johnʼs disciples fast mickle, and mak prayers; and thae oʼ the Pharisees as weel; but yere ain are eatin and drinkin?”
34And he said to them, “Wad ye hae the sons oʼ the bride‐chaumer fast while the bridegroom is yet wiʼ them?
35“But the days wull come — eʼen whan the bridegroom is taʼen frae them — than wull they fast iʼ thae days.”
36And he spak a parable to them: “Nae man pits a clout frae a new mantle on an auld ane; else, than baith the new piece maks a rive, and the new piece ʼgrees‐na wiʼ the auld.
37“And nae man pits new wine intil auld wine‐skins; else the new wine wull rive the wine‐skins, and it wull be skailʼt, and the skins destroyʼt.
38“But new wine maun be teemed intil new wine‐skins, and baith are preserved.
39“And nane, haein preed auld wine, seeks for the new; for, quoʼ he, ‘The auld is better!’ ”
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Luke 5: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.