Stefanus acacapiomef
1E Allah atakam mamtaw tugas ipic awut masirin, jonow atowporefen. “E atawmes atakam, atakamnak open?” Inim aeefen. 2Stefanus masirin, atep ajitefen. “Ducura, betiwa, aykuna. Jen pajiey. E darak juwas Abraham, e Mesopotamia capinmi aemapef, e akatnakut Allah, aramat ipic bipu afomisefen. E Abraham e Haran capinmi jiwis batuwos opok arawen. 3Allah e Abraham atakamam aotawefen. ‘Or, e ojowowam, e ocapinmiam, bakan mamjiey. Oram e aporomtamcey capinmi mamjisosey.’ Inim aeefen. 4Aramat ipic masirin, e Kasdim ow capinmi bakan ajief, wunam e Haran capinmi aemapefen. Abraham aricipicam damir aafefen. Damir aafef masirin, Allah, e Abraham, e aemapmokom capinmi, jiwis atuwumosomefen. 5E jofay nat, Allah a capinmi e Abraham batetam opok cowok arawen. Ar capinmi kanimnakapam batetam opoken. Bare, e Abraham jiwi opoken. Allah nat, e atayi aeefen. 6Allaham atakam e aramat ipic aotawefen. ‘Orurpis jewey capinmi aemapcemes. E jewey ow, e orurpis kerja a bwemtam jirmec kow ajirimcemes. Aram e orurpis, tahun empat ratus ajiwar ajurusumawarcemes. 7Dor ara nat, e orurpis kerja bwemtam jirmec kow ajirimcemes samat, siksa bwem, atakam asakamtiwcimin. Asep ara masirin, e orurpis e capinmi bakan ajicemes. Aram arasan dor asicimcemenes.’ Allah inim aeefen. 8Allaham sunat aturan e Abraham atatitamefen. E sunat bwem, ‘Dar e Allah atayi aeforowas, ji aecomom,’ inim baporomtamas ara. Bare, Abraham e Ishak ajimefen. Ishak umur bar delapan ajiwar aemamesef, Abraham e jiwi sunat aemtiwefen. E Ishakam Yakub ajimefen. E Yakub masirin, e dasamat ji aeremfes ow dua belas ajiwar ajimefen.”
9“E dasamat ji aeremfes ow nat, e Yusuf icim afesfesen. Inimas ar aramat ipic wun ow samat atetamfes, wunam uang ajititfesen. E ow samat masirin, e Yusuf, Mesir capinmi ajisomosfesen. Allah nat, aramat ipic akac aemefen. 10Allaham aramat ipic e ajurusemefas takas, ajortewefen. Wunam e Yusuf e Mesir raja ipic juwas Firaun bipu aememef, Allah, aturan atakam, bi binip umutonam, e Yusuf atetamefen. E Firaun masirin, e Yusuf e Mesir capinmi ow takasam, e raja cem pok takasam, inim urus bwem ipic atewemefen. 11Barewen. Jofay ara, e Mesir capinmi takasam, e Kanaan capinmi takasam, amos pok kanimnakas arawen. Ow arke ajurusemfesen. Darafasam amos opok aemapfesen. 12Yakub masirin, atakam jen ajiefen. ‘E Mesir capinmi amos pok awames.’ Inim atakam jen ajiefen. Jen ajief masirin, aramat ipic e darafas erasan atewosomefen. Er e Mesir capinmi bapnak ajisosfesas arawen. 13E capinmi aojisosfes masirin, Yusuf atakam e arepcewesam, arewecam, aotawefen. ‘Dor Yusuf ara.’ Inim aeefen. Inimas ara, e Firaun, Yusuf asamat, atakam jen ajiefen. 14Bare, Yusuf, atakam e aricipic atewosomefen. ‘Diwi. Oram, dajowow takasam, arasan mamenawey.’ Inim aeefen. E ow, tujuh puluh lima ajiwar arawen. 15Bare, e Yakub e Mesir capinmi ajisosefen. Erasan aramat ipicam, darafasam, damir aaffesen. 16Ow masirin, e damir ow, Sikem capinmi ajisomosfes, wunam erasan awuapomfesen. Bap ara, Abraham, e awerem asan, e Hemor atiperes, uang ajititefen. 17Bare, Allah, e capinmi, Abraham arurpis batetam atayi faknakut aeefen. E capinmi atetamcow jofay, bare sotop aenawefen. E darafasam, ow samat awut, e Mesir capinmi kayimin akakayiemfesen. 18Ay Mesir capinmi raja ipic nat, asitefen. E raja ipic e Yusuf amsom opoken. 19E raja, e dasamat ow tot aotefen. Aram e darafas ajurusumefen. Ar e darafas, esepen jiwi, cesen bajisjimirapom, jirmec kow ajirimefen. Er e jiwi damir bafas arawen. 20Bare, e jofay ara, Musa ajisamesefen. Allaham e jiwi akat aporefen. Pir mamincop ajiwar, arisepes e jiwi e acem aman ajumatfesen. 21Ar masirin, e Musa, umuton asan ajiwtewapomfesen. Firaun apores nat, e jiwi atewetef, wunam atiwnak cimin ajumatefen. 22Owam, e Mesir ow aratakamam, acescuwasam, e Musa amememtamfesen. E Musa masirin, atakam fak ipicam, kerja fak ipicam, aememefen.”
23“Ar umur tahun empat puluh ajiwar aememef, aramat ipic e ajowow bi bapor, inim bi binip aceceremefen. Ajowow e Israel ow arawen. 24Barewen. Jofay ara, Mesir ipic, Israel ipic ajurusumefen. Musa inimas aporef masirin, ar e Israel ipic akac aemefen. Aram bic ajiefen. Bare, ar e Mesir ipic acatiwefen. 25Musa abi binip ara, ‘Allah dor a dojowow darop capinmi bojisos bajaromat ipic atewemfan. Dojowowam inimas amsom.’ Inim bi binip aceceremefen. E nat, ajowow inimas amsom opoken. 26‘Ajofay ara masirin, aramat ipic ajowow ipic jamnuk owen mamcam aporefen. Musa masirin, e ipic jamnuk owen bakoromem jec awuefen. Aram atakam aotawefen. Tiperesa. Car samat cowkon. Ca nat, ucimas aamjursumamokom.’ Inim aeefen. 27E ajowow ipic ajurusumef ipic nat, e Musa aotpemefen. ‘Or dakepala ipicam, dajiman baf ipicam, ca tewemfan? 28To ara, or e Mesir ipic acatiwfem. Oram do bacatiw aemenemnew?’ Inim aeefen. 29Musa inim atakam jen ajief ara, aram omar ajisosefen. Ar masirin, e Midian capinmi, jewey ipic aemapefen. Erasan ar ower jiwi jamnuk ajimefen.”
30“Aramat ipic erasan tahun empat puluh ajiwar aemapef, wunam ar fa epcom os kari, sos afayef aporefen. Malaikat cowokam e jismak komen aman, Musa bipu afomisefen. Er sikon juwas Sinai sotop, cem opok asan arawen. 31Musa e malaikat aporef masirin, junum awutnakut aeefen. Aram sotop ameremef, wunam manmok fak acimakamomefen. Aram Tuhan atakam jen ajiefen. 32‘Dor e orafas arAllah ara. Dor Abrahamam, Ishakam, Yakubam, arAllah ara.’ Inim aeefen. Bare, e Musa omar dam tetete aeefen. Inimas ar erasan manmok botiw opoken. 33Tuhan masirin, atakam e Musa aotawefen. ‘Ewamcem asan, karow asan ara. Inimas e sandal basumtewey. 34Dor e dosamat, e Mesir capinmi ajurusemawiris aporawiru. Doram e biwan aatamawiris jen ajiawiru. Dor masirin, a bajortew aneyey. Oram dey. Dor or e Mesir capinmi atewosomcimin.’ Tuhan inim aeefen.”
35“Bap ara nat, e Israel ow, e Musa aotpemfes, wunam atakam aotawfes, ‘Or kepala ipicam, jiman baf ipicam, ca tewemfan?’ Inim aefesen. Allah nat, e ipic e ow akepala ipicam, abajortew ipicam, atewemefen. Bare, Allah, malaikat eras atakam Musa botaw, jirmec ajirimefen. Er Musa e fa epcom os kari aman aporef malaikat arawen. 36Bare, e Musa e ow e Mesir capinmi bakan bajios, bap ajaromosefen. Aram junum bweas e Mesir capinmiam, e Laut Meraham, aemefen. Aram e Junum bweas, cem opok asan tahun empat puluh ajiwar aemawirien. 37E Musaam atakam e Israel ow aotawefen. ‘Allah, e cajowow ipic cowok, aratakam botaw ipic, dor cimin atewemcema.’ Inim aeefen. 38E Musa, e cem opok asan ajarewsifes ow, akac aememfesen. Bare, ar e darafas akac aememfesen. Aram e malaikat e sikon juwas Sinai op akac aememfesen. E malaikat masirin, atakam Musa aotawefen. Bare, Allaham e jiwne atakam e Musa atatitamefen. E atakam bare daras arawen. 39Darafas nat, aramat ipic aratakam ji bwe pwicak arawen. Aram e Musa aotpemfesen. Aram e Mesir capinmi bofasi akat arawen. 40Aram atakam Harun aotawfesen. ‘Or allah mamincop bakenemapomtamcarowey. E allah mamincop dar bap bajaromatcarowos. E jipic juwas Musa bap ajaromatforow. Dar masirin, e Mesir capinmi arakac bakan ajiosfom. E ipic nat, ucim pok emefnew? Dar namsom opok.’ Inim aefesen. 41Bare, e jofay ara, ar sapi jiwi ēco akenemapomfesen. Ar masirin, pok e ēco bipu atatitamfesen. Aram e aban akenemapomfesas aporfes, wunam jimin acukufesen. 42Allah nat, e ow bak apayemefen. Ar, e ow e onam op bayar takas basicim, bakan ajiefen. Er e Allah atakam botaw ow aefes surat atakam jipu ara. E surat atakam:
‘Awamcokom Israel owa. E cem opok asan tahun empat puluh ajiwar aemapawirukum, car e acatiwa ajimpokom binatang do batetam open?
43Opok. Car e Molok picin cem, atowomosa ajiawirukum. Caram e carallah juwas Refan abayar ēco atowomosa ajiawirukum. Car e ēco akenemapomfokom, wunam e pok asicimfokom.
Inimas ara, dor car e kota Babel e poman capinmi, jiwis atuwumosomcimin.’ ”
E surat inim atakam ara.
44“Bare, darafas e ow opok asan aemapawiris, aram picin cem cowok aomomfesen. E picin cem, ‘Allah arasan awap,’ inim baporomtamas arawen. Allaham e cem bakenemapom atakam Musa aotawkurumefen. E ow masirin, e cem, e Musa aporef pok ben awcawor cowok akenemapomfesen. 45Bare, e darafasut e picin cem atowopfesen. Allaham e jowon samatin samatin aotewerosomefen. Wunam darafasut, e Yusakcin, a capinmi akac atewetfesen. E picin cem, e Daud ajitemef jofay ajiwar, a capinmi aemamesawirien. 46Daudam takas aemefen. Inimas Allah, aramat ipic, asan akat atetamefen. E Daud masirin, Allah cemnak bweapomtam, janim aramat ipic aanimefen. E Allah, bare Yakub arAllah arawen.” 47E nat, Solomo e Allah cem aeapomtamefen.
48“E opnakut Allah nat, e asmat aeapomanes cem aman bemap opok. Bare, e Allah atakam botaw ipic atakam aotawefen:
49‘Tuhan atakam aotawma. A onam op, doraja fa bemap asan ara. E capinmi masirin, dobwey botapom asan ara.
Ca nat, ucim cem aeapomtamcenokom? Wunam, e doses ban asan, ucim asanaram?
50A pok takas, do kenemapomof araman.’ Tuhan inim aema.”
E Allah atakam botaw ipic inim aeefen.
51“Car ara nat, jen opok ow awapokom ara. E cajakam, e cajenam, Allah mamkawi amsom opok owas ara. Car e carafasut inim awcawor ara. Car e Roh Kudus aatamotpemamokom. 52E carafasut, e Allah atakam botaw ow takas ajurusumfes. Wun ow atakam aotawfes. ‘E Tarowat Ipic aenawcema.’ Inim aefes. E carafasut nat, e ow acatiwfes. Caram e Tarowat Ipic e jokmen ow aotasimemtamfokom. Caram e ipic acatiwfokom. 53Allah e aJirmec atatitamefen. Malaikatam e Jirmec atakam Musa aotawfesen. Bare, car e Jirmec aomomfokom, e nat, car e Jirmec ji bwe opokut aemamokom.” Stefanus inim aeefen.
Ow ek Stefanus dampu ajimirokopomfes
54Barewen. E atakam mamsakam ow, inim atakam jen ajifes, ar namcan awutnakut aatfesen. Aram sis kekeke Stefanus bipu aemfesen. 55E Roh Kudus nat, e Stefanus aomomkurumefen. Stefanusam e onam op, manmok fak acimakamemefen. Aram Allah arakatnakutas aporefen. Aram Yesus, Allah e ban bo jamam memem, aporefen. 56Aramat ipicam atakam aotawefen. “Jakaperey! Dor e onam op bawarayos apormin ara. Dor e Asmat Anakat Ajaworemef Ipic e Allah ban jo jamam memem apormin ara.” Inim aeefen. 57E ow masirin, jokmen atakam afakaytawfesen. Ar ajen apwirimoptotorfesen. Aram Stefanus batew, je ajiramenfesen. 58Aram aramat ipic e kota ajimomisfes, wunam ek e aramat ipic dampu ajimirokopomfesen. Eras manmok atiwfes ow masirin, apakaian, ay ipic juwas Saulus manmok batiwtam, e abweypu atatiwfesen. 59Bare, e ow e Stefanus ek ajimirokopomfesen. Stefanusam janim Tuhan aanimefen. “Tuhan Yesus. E doranakat ipic batewey.” Inim aeefen. 60Ar masirin, jine onok aotapefen. Atakamam afakaytewefen. “Tuhan. Or awamces ow adosa, bi binip bacomom arapok.” Aramat ipic inim atakam afakaytewef masirin, aram damir aafefen.
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