Lukka 2
Thokwonta thoIeccuo
(Maththa 1.18–25)
1Ana nomaꞌri men aIli oKkaiccer Akocoththoc othïat lon lonthoththomat itti ul appik iaik nomothok imaik inyaun nyongili ngoRoma wonu itti wakurro ꞌran wen iatham woIli woRoma. 2Thokurro ꞌran enthi thocittokït akka oKirnioc pokat ili wonoththok poCcuria. 3Aul appik oingkat naꞌran wen athokurro ꞌran wen.
4Ittina oIuccip poingkathe acakuruk nokaꞌran koNaccir noththok poCelïl akweo Peththelam noththok poIouthia nokaꞌran na Ili oThauth pokwontathe akka kwokat thiki thoThauth.#Mikka 5.2 5Kweot tentre akwothokurrot kꞌran kung akin oMeriom iponomittanthok itti kwittanok ana caꞌri cen oMeriom pappoppethe. 6Anakka okin thokat tentre acaꞌri akkakat cokkul itti wakwonta 7ana oMeriom pokwonathe ukul wung wonothire wocura ana kwoꞌremethekathe ukul ikret akwïcïekat cik iththuk nokuppuꞌrung ika aꞌrupu worua oꞌrko taco nan akka kaꞌran kakkellanet kin ikaman ika ul ikkoik tit nakucci.
Ul iuꞌre aꞌrupu worua ana uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik
8Ul iuꞌre aꞌrupu worua wꞌrek wokat cik ipira thapat ana okin thokat akin angwot aꞌrupu worua ngkoꞌra iccik kokaꞌran koPeththelam. 9Ana uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woIli wummanthet kin ncik ana kꞌran kothrïk thoIli occat nakin ana okin thipathe nꞌre cannan. 10Anaruk uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik wiꞌrekathekin itti, “Nokorronno ipo nꞌre. Mponanet non lon iloporot ana lakane ul appik. 11Inenni nokaꞌran koThauth pul pokwontanet non ipaꞌret non, ook oMiccie Ili. 12Ana lon elli lakenenon ngok, onon thathiot ukul woꞌremethettat ikret ana wïcettatheik iththuk nokuppuꞌrung ika aꞌrupu worua oꞌrkot taco nan.”
13Ana accokkot, auꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik woppot akkakat ntothiꞌrot akin omereket Kapik akin iꞌre itti,
14“Thrïk thaine Kapik korothiꞌrot cittan
ana alon oka loporot nocapu noul ia kwongothe.”
15Anakka uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik woththet nakin, wokuꞌrathe tothiꞌrot, ul iuꞌre aꞌrupu worua wikkatheik aerettine itti, “Ton eo ci Peththelam aron othokatha lon elli ilokkattathe ila Ili wiꞌretheron lon len.”
16Ittina okin thoingkathe akin iat oMeriom ana oIuccip ana ukul awïcatheik nokuppuꞌrung iththuk ika aꞌrupu worua oꞌrkot taco. 17Anakka okin thimmat akin opettat lon cik lokkul ilakin thiꞌrettanet, 18ana ul ioccïkothe appik woprttakatherit nolon ila ul iuꞌre aꞌrupu worua wiꞌrethekin. 19Anaruk oMeriom poccokathe lon len appik nocïkït cung akwokwarttikot. 20Ul iuꞌre aꞌrupu worua wopakkathe amereket Kapik ana opirane noka nolon appik ilakin thimmat ana occïkot ana ilokat cik ïcat ammakka okin thiꞌrettathe.
OIeccuo pocciettat kꞌran
21Anakka oIeccuo pothikkiet maꞌri mormor ana nocaꞌri cothokekkiethok kwocciettakathe kꞌran itti oIeccuo kꞌran ika uꞌrupa wothothïlettat woKapik wethok akkwarthuk oppettat.
OIeccuo ponekittathe noppan toKapik
22Anakka caꞌri cen caat cothonthukko ammakka lon lothonceꞌret lon cik loMucca liꞌret, oIuccip okin oMeriom thonekathe oIeccuo nokaꞌran koUruccelim akwothettat Ili. 23Ammakka lokurrakot ilon lothonceꞌret lon cik loIli itti, “Ukul wonothire iocura wonu itti wettat Ili.”#Thoppot thapat 13.2, 12 24Ana okin cakuruk thoingkathe itti okin thathethet Ili aꞌrupu wothokiot ngüccük cik ammakka lokurrakot ilon lothonceꞌret lon cik loIli, “Mülükkür meꞌra ana amma annoka mülükkür ana waka minthang meꞌra imarran.”#Lauin 12.8
25Caꞌri enci puꞌrek pokat cik nokaꞌran koUruccelim poccot kꞌran itti oCcamaan kwokat poporot tokït koKapik. Kwokat cik akwoꞌrïkot Kapik akoꞌret ul woIccereil ana Kanang ikupupure kokat naak. 26Kanang ikupupure kakkiꞌrethok itti kwannio akkwarthuk imma oMiccie ipa Ili wonekkethe lon len cik. 27Kwiꞌrikettat noppan toKapik mpuꞌran poKanang koKapik. Caꞌri ica oMeriom ana oIuccip thonat ukul oIeccuo noppan toKapik akwothokkattanthet lon lothathuma ammakka laik iatham wothonceꞌret lon cik. 28OCamaan ponekathe oIeccuo nokapen ana kwopirakanthet Kapik noka akwiꞌrekat itti,
29“Ili, ngkwoꞌrumot nolon lang ila ngkwokat ponekketheik
ana inenni kirrnni piak pang apio appopirat noka.
30Akka mpimmat ngkït kin pul ipa ngkwapponekketheik itti pathoꞌret ul,
31ipa ngkwappokuccethe cik tokït koul appik.
32Kwaka kꞌran ikacciene ul cik iannoka woIouth
ana kwaka thrïk thoul wang woIccereil.”
33OIuccip ana oMeriom thoprttakatherit nolon ilerettathe ukul. 34Ittina aCcamaan pethïekathekin akwiꞌrekat oMeriom itti, “Ukul enni wakorronno ul woppot noththok poIccereil iꞌrarok akïtto ana woppot iongothe lon lung aꞌrungkot cik. Walon ilothïlathe nnoKapik ana ul woppot wꞌra lon lung. 35Othakka itti alon inako nan ilamuꞌruttakot ncik nomïkït moppot ana thiak thethung cïkït icarak ere kiꞌrittang.”
36Pul pꞌrek pokat cik pothernte lon loKapik Anna pul ipopari ukul woPanuil ponopothok pAccir. Kwokat cik pukkwat, kwikkot cik akin olle luput leꞌreꞌrapuruk akka okin thittettot 37anaruk olle piathe akwokwentakat curuma mono aluput othakkakat arrial wocoꞌrin ana ikken kocoꞌrin (84). Kwannokorronno noppan toKapik aththik anaruk kwokat cik akwaꞌraꞌra ngaꞌrama ngkoꞌra ana icïngkï, ocoꞌro nothuꞌrit ana aꞌra ngaꞌrama. 38Caꞌri cen kwakkakanthet kin tokït ken akwekat Kapik thopira noka akwerekanthet ul lon lokkul appik iokat cik akin oꞌrïkot itti pul ipathoꞌret ul wonokaꞌran koUruccelim.
39Anakka oMeriom ana oIuccip thokkothe lon appik ilonu itti lakkattat ammakka lon lothonceꞌret lon cik loIli, okin thopakkathe noththok poCelïl nokaꞌran ken koNaccir. 40Ana ukul wocokkakathe athakkakat wonthomat. Wokat winaik nti ica ana thoporot thoKapik thokat nan.
Ukul oIeccuo waik noppan toKapik
41Lokat cik itti amma thuput thaat ithie oththan ana onnan thaeo nokaꞌran koUruccelim akin thokkot kamuthe koThaurrot kaman kꞌrek cik. 42Anakka kwokkothe luput attul ana ikken keꞌra (12) akin oingkanthet kamuthe ammakka lokat cik. 43Anakka kamuthe komttathe okin thurokathe akin opakkot tuan nokaꞌran koNaccir anaruk ukul woththettakathe nan thoceken nokaꞌran koUruccelim ana okin thommat nan.
44Akin opri itti kwaik iul iakin thaik nokurtti, okin thoingkathe okkwot caꞌri culukku. Ittina akin ikkat cik akin okwancothok nokuꞌri ken ana napurukon. 45Anakka okin thanniothok okin thopakkathe ciki nokaꞌran koUruccelim akin othokwancothok. 46Anakka maꞌri mothakkat mꞌrapuruk akin okwancothok akin othiathok noppan toKapik akwikkoik ithoꞌrkït thoul iangkene akwoccïkot kin ana ipitto kin lon. 47Okkwion ithoccïkothok thokat cik akin oprttakot tit nothinaik thung ana nothothïlet tit tholon lung. 48Anakka oththan akin onnan thimmarok okin thoprttakatherit. Annan iꞌrekathok itti, “Ukul wïn, ngkwokkinthet nïn ittina akaintha? ïnthokat cik ïnokwancothung ïnoththe amïkït mellat ikarak.”
49Aukul ipittat itti, “Ngintha akka anthokat cik annokwancinthin? Nthomma itti mponu itti mpaka toppan tongappai?” 50Akin ommakat ila kwonu itti kwiꞌret kin.
51Ittina okin thoingkathe nokaꞌran koNaccir ana kwoccïkathe lon len. Anaruk onnan pangwathe lon len appik nocïkït cung. 52Ittina oIeccuo pocokkakathe, athinaik thung nti ica arttakot nan ana Kapik kongakathok ana ul cakuruk wongakathok.
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Lukka 2: Lumun

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