Lukka 3
Thongkene thoIuanna ngomamuthie
(Maththa 3.1–12; Markkoc 1.1–8; Iuanna 1.19–28)
1Ana noluput attul ana ikken ukuluk (15) longili woili irïk oThiperioc poKkaiccer wonoththok poRoma ana aꞌran appik. Ana caꞌri cen oPilaththoc oPunththioc pokat ili wonoththok poIouthia, ana oIruthuc oka ili cakuruk wonoththok poCelïl. Ana oPilippic opang poIruthuc pokat ili wonoththok poIththoria ana poThthïrïkinoththoc, ana oLiaccanoc oka ili iotte wonoththok poIpilina. 2Ana Anan ana oKiappa oka ul ittïttïk wonoppan toKapik caꞌri cen alon loKapik akkakanthet oIuanna ukul woCekkeria akwokat cik ithampang. 3Kwoingkathe naꞌran iccik korue toÜrüthün appik akwerene ul lon lomamuthie akwiꞌret kin itti, “Nopaꞌrine lon ilokithak cik annocco mamuthie ana Kapik kaccïkïnthet non lon lon ilokithak.” 4Ammakka lokurrakot iatham wolon loIccaia pul pothernte lon loKapik itti,
“Poꞌre popul paik pakkakkaro nti ithampang itti,
‘Nokuccenthet Ili kathar
noceꞌrenthok athar cik.
5Lupuꞌru lonu itti laꞌruntettat
ana moꞌrong arppippithietta ana cik ica thorokokkok opeꞌriccakot cik
Athar iompaꞌrot cik wanceꞌriettat cik
ana athar ionu muꞌrol tit wapekietta.
6Ana thoꞌret thoKapik thaul ionyi imma appik.’”#Iccaia 40.3–5
7AIuanna iꞌrekat cungkut coul iaat itti wathocco mamuthie nti ikkun wung itti, “Nyukul nyoinyil enyrïk, oththa akkiꞌrethenon itti onon thallot thua ka thoKapik ithanthan? 8Nokkot ngre iakene itti onon thopaꞌrinet lon ilokithak cik. Nokorronno omet kakon itti, ‘Onïn nyukul nyAprein.’ Mpiꞌret non itti Kapik kina oprtto mothok emmi cik amokakat nyukul nyAprein. 9Nantoccïkot, pul ipathio ponekkethe kïnyït kocemeke nolaka lokira. Ana pira ipakorronno okwono nyukul nyoporot, pakeccat cik aporrettakat icꞌrot.”
10Acungkut coul ipittat itti, “Ana ngimpen akka onïn okkot?”
11AIuanna othïat tit itti, “Okkwi iponu eret weꞌra akwethet okkwi ipellaik, ana okkwi iponu thuꞌrit kwonu itti kwakkot menik cakuruk.”
12Aul iaꞌrntinthet nili akucci akkakat acakuruk itti wathocco mamuthie. Akin ipittat itti, “Pul ipangkene, ngintha akka ïnokkot?”
13Akwiꞌrekat kin itti, “Nokorronno aꞌrntot akucci woppot nopangken ianthonu itti nthaꞌrnttot.”
14Ittina ul wꞌrek irro ipittathok itti, “Ana onïn thakkot ngimpen?”
Akwothïat tit, “Nokorronno oththikot ul akucci ana okorronno ereket ul ngkarra. Noꞌrïkot akucci won tulluk iakin ethet non.”
15Ul wokat cik aꞌrïkot oMiccie itti kwanthan ana okin thokat akin oprttakot tit akin opri ikkre oIuanna akkaka oMiccie. 16AIuanna iꞌrekat kin appik itti, “Mpethet non mamuthie ngngꞌri, anaruk okkwi iponu puꞌran cannan nnaun panthan, mpakannekko nan manna itti mpakꞌro loꞌrak lowok wung. Kwethet non mamuthie ngKanang ikupupure ana nthik thothakkma. 17Ana akwokkwo ton nnomïl akwïꞌrekat akwollakat liccit akwummo imoporot akunot ittit ana ton akwokꞌre nthik ithakinnio aththik.” 18Ana oIuanna perekanthet ul lon loKapik loppot akwaꞌretto nakin itti okin thaprtto lon len cik.
19Anaruk akka oIuanna paꞌrettot naIruthuc ili wonoththok poCelïl akka kwipot oIruthia pari popang ana nolon lꞌrek loppot ilokithak ila kwokkothe 20ana oIruthuc papprarttat nolon ilokithak akka kwonekkethe oIuanna ikorrkkor.
Mamuthie moIeccuo
(Maththa 3.13–17; Markkoc 1.9–11)
21Anakka ul wocceret mamuthie appik oIeccuo poccathe mamuthie cakuruk. Anakka kwokat cik akwaꞌra ngaꞌrama arothiꞌrot anyat. 22AKanang ikupupure uat ntan naak kungkot cülükkür. Apoꞌre akkakat ntoKapik apiꞌre itti, “Oung ukul win ia mpongothe ana mpopiranet noka.”
Thiki thoIeccuo
(Maththa 1.1–17)
23OIeccuo ponat luput arrial ana attul (30) akka kwokuꞌret ngre ngung ncik tokït koul appik. Ittina ul wokat ame itti oIeccuo ukul woIuccip.
OIuccip ukul wEli,
24Eli ukul woMaththathath,
oMaththathath ukul woLaui,
oLaui ukul woMelekki,
oMelekki ukul woIna,
oIna ukul woIuccip,
25oIuccip ukul woMaththathia,
oMaththathia ukul wAmoc,
Amoc ukul woNaum,
oNaum ukul wAcceli,
Acceli ukul woNacai,
26oNacai ukul woMath,
oMath ukul woMaththathia,
oMaththathia ukul woCcamai,
oCcamai ukul woCoccec,
oCoccec ukul woIotha,
27oIoutha ukul woConan,
oConan ukul woRecca,
oRecca ukul woCerupapil,
oCerupapil ukul woCcaliththil,
oCcaliththil ukul woNiri,
28oNiri ukul woMelekki,
oMelekki ukul wAthi,
Athi ukul woKkuccum,
oKkuccum ukul wAlmotham,
Almotham ukul woÏr,
29oÏr ukul woCeccua,
oCeccua ukul wEliacir,
oEliacir ukul woIorim,
oIorim ukul woMaththathath,
oMaththathath ukul woLaui,
30oLaui ukul woCcomoun,
oCcomoun ukul woIoutha,
oIoutha ukul woIuccip,
oIuccip ukul woConam,
oConam ukul wAliakkim,
31Aliakkim ukul woMalia,
oMalia ukul woMinan,
oMinan ukul woMaththatha,
oMaththatha ukul woNathan,
oNathan ukul woThauth,
32oThauth ukul woIecce,
oIecca ukul wOpet,
Opet ukul woPuac,
oPuac ukul woCalmon,
oCalmon ukul woNaccun,
33oNaccun ukul wAminathap,
Aminathap ukul woRam,
oRam ukul wAccrun,
Accrun ukul woPparic,
oPparic ukul woIoutha,
34oIoutha ukul woIakup,
oIakup ukul woIccaak,
oIccaak ukul wAprein,
Aprein ukul woThthera,
oThthera ukul woNaur,
35oNaur ukul woCcoroc,
oCcoroc ukul woRau,
oRau ukul woPalec,
oPalec ukul wApir,
Apir ukul woCcela,
36oCcela ukul woKinan,
oKinan ukul wArppakaccath,
Arppakaccath ukul woCcam,
oCcam ukul woNua,
oNua ukul woLamak,
37oLamak ukul woMiththuccila,
oMiththuccila ukul wAnuk,
Anuk ukul woCarit,
oCarit ukul woMalalel,
oMalalel ukul woKkinan,
38oKkinan ukul wAnuc,
Anuc ukul woCceth,
oCceth ukul wAtham,
Atham ukul woKapik.
Currently Selected:
Lukka 3: Lumun

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