Insights From IsaiahУзор

Insights From Isaiah

ДЗЕНЬ 10 З 28

When God Called Isaiah #3

What kind of person is Isaiah?  

As he stands in the presence of a Holy God, Isaiah can think of only one word and our English Translations struggle to render it. Some translations say "ruined" or "undone" or "lost". Eugene Peterson puts it, "I'm as good as dead!". The original Hebrew says, "I'm destroyed"—"I'm wiped out."

Isaiah knows that he cannot stand before the Holy Sovereign Creator of All and try to keep up pretenses. He knows he is a sinner and it just takes the utterings of his lips to prove it.  

But Isaiah is not only honest about himself, he is also honest about his people. They too have sinned and have nothing they can offer God.  

This kind of honesty is not only refreshing, it is vital. Isaiah has conquered his greatest personal obstacle—the obstacle of pride. You see, the minute we think we have some scrap of righteousness to offer God, then God becomes our debtor. Isaiah has recognised that in the face of this righteous, majestic, and magnificent God he has nothing to offer but his brokenness. And he offers his brokenness to God in confession and repentance.

I also love the fact that Isaiah doesn't distance himself from his people. He sees himself as part of them, and when he confesses their sins he recognizes his own complicity.

Who is Isaiah?

  1. Someone brave enough to see God so clearly that he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he (Isaiah) is not God and that he desperately needs the one true God—even if that means confessing his sin.
  2. Someone who has compassion enough to see the brokenness of his people and see himself as part of the problem. And it bothers him enough to bring it to God.
  3. Someone who is forgiven. This is not something that Isaiah achieves, but something that is done for him. He is the passive recipient. The coal comes from the altar of sacrifice and represents what Jesus would do for us. Isaiah simply receives beautiful magnificent forgiveness.

Are you like Isaiah?  

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Insights From Isaiah

This Bible reading plan provides some insights from the book of Isaiah. Rather than a sequential journey through the songs, prophecies, and accounts that make up this book that spans a time-frame of about 220 years, we're going to jump around and pick up some of the beautiful promises and challenges in it. I'll provide the historical context where it's needed.
