Insights From IsaiahУзор

Insights From Isaiah

ДЗЕНЬ 12 З 28


It was a time of political uncertainty. Assyria was the dominant world power that was swallowing up smaller countries in her conquests. Smaller nations were desperately trying to make coalitions to stand against Assyria, but this often came with great moral and spiritual compromises.  

Ahaz was the King of Judah (the Southern Kingdom with its capital in Jerusalem). Pekah was king of the Northern Kingdom (with its capital Samaria) and his kingdom was on its last legs —the Northern Kingdom would be defeated in about 5 years time and utterly destroyed some 10 or 15 years after these events.  

But Pekah (son of Remaliah) has made an alliance with King Rezin of the Aramites and they approach Ahaz: "Join us or we attack you!"

Ahaz has three options:

  1. Join the alliance (with the spiritual & ethical compromises involved) and provoke the "big bear" (the Assyrians).
  2. Refuse to join the alliance and face their anger and vengeance, thus having two enemies Aram-Samaria (the "hyenas")and the Assyrians ("big bear"), and have no ally but God.
  3. Make a deal with the Assyrians: "We'll stay out of it but leave us alone." Pacify the "big bear" and they'll protect you from the "hyenas". Again, there are huge compromises involved.

In the midst of all this political wrangling Isaiah meets Ahaz to convince him to stay away from options 1 and 3.  

We'll look at Isaiah's meeting in more detail tomorrow. For now, just two things stand out:

  1. In verse 9, Pekah isn't even referred to by name - he's just human, just the son of Remaliah. Isaiah is saying: "Don't be overwhelmed—they're just human. They're just people. Don't give them too much power.
  2. Sometimes we just have our faith to stand on. Isaiah is emphatic— there is no other place to stand. Stand anywhere else, and you will fall.

We are so easily intimidated and made miserable by people to whom we give way too much power. They're just people and they must one day answer for who they are and what they've done.

We're also so easily rattled and lose hope so easily when life shakes us, but we must trust.

More tomorrow.

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Insights From Isaiah

This Bible reading plan provides some insights from the book of Isaiah. Rather than a sequential journey through the songs, prophecies, and accounts that make up this book that spans a time-frame of about 220 years, we're going to jump around and pick up some of the beautiful promises and challenges in it. I'll provide the historical context where it's needed.
