Insights From IsaiahУзор

Insights From Isaiah

ДЗЕНЬ 13 З 28

Stand #2

Back in the 1600's when soldiers used muskets that required shoving some gunpowder and a metal ball-bullet into the the barrel of the musket, Oliver Cromwell was reported to have said to his troops: "Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry!"  

As we noted yesterday, Ahaz was between a rock and a hard place. Assyria (the "bear") on one side and Aram-Ephraim (the "hyenas") on the other. (Ephraim is another name for the Northern Kingdom).

Ahaz has heard the rumours: "Aram has allied with Ephraim." He heads out to inspect the aqueduct that supplied water for the city as this water would keep them alive during a siege. On one hand, this is good responsible leadership—he's keeping his powder dry.  

But he has forgotten to trust God.

God sends Isaiah to talk to Ahaz. His instruction has an unusual addition. "Make sure you take your son, Shear-Jashub, with you." Unfortunately we know very little about this son of Isaiah other than that his name means "A remnant shall return."

Isaiah stands before a worried king to put things into perspective: The hyenas are smoldering stubs—they will not last, they will not endure. They may have their plans—they've even named a successor for Ahaz—but God says: "It will not take place. It will not happen."

How often are we like Ahaz? We might even be good at keeping our powder dry, but are we forgetting to put our trust in the Lord?

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Insights From Isaiah

This Bible reading plan provides some insights from the book of Isaiah. Rather than a sequential journey through the songs, prophecies, and accounts that make up this book that spans a time-frame of about 220 years, we're going to jump around and pick up some of the beautiful promises and challenges in it. I'll provide the historical context where it's needed.
