

يوم 16 من إجمالي 30

When you think of all of the priorities you have in a day, which things are near the top of your list? It could be something like making sure that you get all of your work tasks completed, eating three healthy meals a day, or getting in those thirty minutes of exercise you know is recommended. If we start to make a list of all that we want to do each day, I’m sure all of us would be overwhelmed pretty quickly. There is always so much to do and so little time to do it! But, if we aren’t careful, our days can be so filled with so much that our time with God falls to the side. This isn’t to say that we should ignore all of our responsibilities in life in favor of spending time with the Lord. Instead, we can be sure to follow Jesus’ leading in this verse: to seek God’s Kingdom first, in all we do. When we make that the first—the top—priority in our days, the rest will fall into place.

What are some things you can do this week to put God first in your life? A simple thing to do could be to start each day with some Scripture and time with God to really set the tone for the rest of the day. Try to start there, prioritizing time with the Lord each day.


يوم 15يوم 17

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An influencer has the ability to change our minds or make us try something new. And while we may think of an influencer as someone with millions of followers, the reality is we don’t need a big audience to be an influencer. In fact, God calls each one of us to be an influencer for good. In this devotional, we’ll see all the ways God has used people—even the unexpected people—to have an amazing influence on others.
