

يوم 19 من إجمالي 30

What does it truly look like to love our neighbor? What does it mean to actually show love to all of those around you? Well, before we can answer that question, it’s important to recognize who our neighbor is. Jesus here isn’t talking about our physical neighbor—the person right beside us. Instead, Jesus is talking about all of humanity. We are one another’s neighbors. And so, this call to love our neighbors in the way we want to be loved applies to any and every person we encounter in this life. Simply put, we’re called to use our influence to love. Of course, that love can look different from person to person. Maybe it’s simply paying for the coffee of the car in line behind us. Or making a meal for a family in need in the neighborhood. Or donating money to a cause that helps your neighbors around the world. Whatever it is, consider the impact of your influence, in big and small ways, when you use it to love your neighbor.

Today, create a short list of some things you can do to make someone’s day. Think about things like adding a quarter to a stranger’s parking meter, giving a compliment to someone on their outfit choice, or even just sharing a smile. How does it make you feel to know that doing one small thing could help show love to a neighbor?

يوم 18يوم 20

عن هذه الخطة


An influencer has the ability to change our minds or make us try something new. And while we may think of an influencer as someone with millions of followers, the reality is we don’t need a big audience to be an influencer. In fact, God calls each one of us to be an influencer for good. In this devotional, we’ll see all the ways God has used people—even the unexpected people—to have an amazing influence on others.
