Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleysናሙና

But to be healed? To be on the other side, what a reward. Can't you just feel the light of it? I couldn't wait to finally be able to say, I am healed. It took 3 years. It was the longest and most grueling season I have ever walked (sometimes crawled) through. At the end of my hardship, I could see the beauty in everything I went through. I could feel Jesus shining down on me. His whispers became loud and clear. He was proud of me and I just know, He is so proud of you too. In the beautiful part of healing, I was able to see His goodness and faithfulness. I could see how He was with me every step of the way. When I had setbacks in the beauty it was easier for me to keep heart because I knew my Jesus walks with me always.
I have been in the hard part of healing. I understand the pain, the struggle, the hurt, the darkness. I get it. And for a long time, I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. There were times I felt like the darkness was going to swallow me. But I kept moving. I kept clinging to the things that I knew to be true. Jesus is for me. He is with me. He never once left my side. He carried me when I couldn't walk anymore. He never abandoned me to figure it out on my own. No, He never left me. He does this for all of His children. We just have to step into that faith.
I fully believe my story of healing is to be shared. Because I understand feeling so low that it would be easy to just give in to the enemy. I know how daunting it is to wake up day after day in extreme physical pain. I understand what it's like having to walk each day filled with a pain that is indescribable. But friend, I was never left alone in my valley.
I can tell you the exact moment I knew I had finally felt like I was crawling out. The exact moment that beautiful healing was upon me. The moment I knew I could be used as a tool, the moment I knew I was going to be okay. It spread like wildfire when I realized I was on the journey out. I believe one of the ways the Lord shows his compassion to us when we are in a hard season of pain is by giving us the beautiful part of healing after we have been on our hands and knees in the trenches. He gives us the beautiful part of healing to remind us of all the incredibly hard valleys we walked through but also to give us hope. To show us how close we are to being healed. To encourage us to keep moving. And most of all to use our story to help those who can't see past the darkness.
If you are in your beautiful part of healing I encourage you to share your story with someone. You never know who needs to hear how you kept your faith.
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Do you ever wake up wondering where your healing is? Do you ever question if God has forgotten you in your pain? I am here to tell you He hasn’t. Not once has He forgotten you. This study explores the definition of healing and what it means for believers. We don’t get a free pass from pain and suffering because we are believers, rather it gives us the opportunity to use it for His Kingdom. While healing can be brutal and devastating it can also be beautiful and encouraging, if you allow it, our God will use you.