Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleysናሙና

Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleys

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I know one day we will be freed from this earthly pain. Whether on this earth or in heaven, we will be restored. So I hang on to the rope that tethers me to my faith, even when it feels incredibly thin. He is here. If you are in a dark valley and are unsure of what to do with your feelings and emotions, I encourage you to sit at the feet of Jesus.

Your feelings, they are valid. Your emotions, they are valid. But only when you can lay them at the feet of Jesus. We can’t and shouldn’t hold on to the emotions that give the enemy lead way into our lives. We must give them up knowing that Jesus has them in his hands. Explain your emotions to Him if you can, if not, allow the Holy Spirit to do it for you, but stay at His feet until you are ready to leave them there. When you are done, get up but leave the feelings there. Let Him take on the anger and frustrations you may be feeling. Let Him use them for His good. He can and He will, if you allow Him to.

Anyone who is going through hard seasons should read the book of Job. To shortly summarize Job starts out with a story about a man who had it all until Satan attacked. He went through so many trials and yet still hung on to his faith. As I was reading Job, all I could think was “Wow, this man has some epic faith.” And then I got to chapters 6 and 7 when his anger and anguish came out. In the midst of one of the hardest flare-ups, I had to date, each and every word struck deep in my heart. I felt the anguish in his cries like they were my own, I could feel the burden of his anger he was holding. It was in these moments that I felt an extreme amount of peace for my emotions. It was in that moment that I could feel the Lord tell me that I was allowed to feel my feelings and to grieve them. I was simply allowed to be human. I took the time to feel my feelings, then laid them at the feet of Jesus and left them there.

If you haven't done this yet I encourage you to. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and your feelings and then give them up to God, He will take the burden they bring from you.

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Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleys

Do you ever wake up wondering where your healing is? Do you ever question if God has forgotten you in your pain? I am here to tell you He hasn’t. Not once has He forgotten you. This study explores the definition of healing and what it means for believers. We don’t get a free pass from pain and suffering because we are believers, rather it gives us the opportunity to use it for His Kingdom. While healing can be brutal and devastating it can also be beautiful and encouraging, if you allow it, our God will use you.
