Healing: Embracing God in the Lowest Valleysናሙና

Have you ever wondered how long you would be in a healing season? Unfortunately, healing has no time frame. For some, healing can take a matter of days while for others healing can take years. Whichever category you fall in, your healing matters. Our Jesus walks with each of His children as we wander through the darkest of valleys. He holds our hand the entire time, even when you don’t feel Him, He is there, even when you don’t hear Him, He is there. When the enemy tries to tell you to give in and give up, Our Jesus stands firm by our side reminding us of our purpose. Reminding us of our faith and our hope.
During the beginning of healing, it can be easier to keep the faith. To hold our head up high, believing our Jesus will heal you. But when the days begin to pass and the healing doesn’t come, that is when you need to dig in your heels, pull out your bible, call on your prayer warriors, surround yourself with the word, cry out to God every minute you can and be ready to stand firm. Because friend, the enemy is attacking, he is pulling out everything he can to get you to turn away from God. Hear me when I say this: The. Enemy. Does. Not. Win. He has no place in our God-written story. But that doesn't mean he won't try. Those of us who have experienced the type of pain that brings the long grueling healing know that he doesn't ever give up. He comes every single day to steal, kill, and destroy, he will stop at nothing.
But Jesus. He alone is the answer. He alone can calm the storms, He alone stands beside you, He stands behind you, and He stands in front of you. He becomes the armor of God that you are too weak to place on you. And then He whispers to you. I pray that you will listen to him. Because the season of healing, while it may be dark and uncomfortable, is the place where the best growth happens. In the darkest of darkest moments when you feel like you can't go on any longer, I encourage you to hold on.
Friend, I have been there, I have been in dark places where I felt like I couldn’t find my way. The light at the end of my tunnel was so dim, and some days it felt like I was wandering even further away from it. My season of healing was a season of change, growth, hardship, and beauty. I can look back and see that Jesus was with me every step of the way, just like I know He is with you in your hard season.
I encourage you, next time you feel the enemy trying to tell you to give up, look to scripture. Allow the words of truth to pour over you, speak them into your story. Yell them out loud so the enemy can hear them.
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Do you ever wake up wondering where your healing is? Do you ever question if God has forgotten you in your pain? I am here to tell you He hasn’t. Not once has He forgotten you. This study explores the definition of healing and what it means for believers. We don’t get a free pass from pain and suffering because we are believers, rather it gives us the opportunity to use it for His Kingdom. While healing can be brutal and devastating it can also be beautiful and encouraging, if you allow it, our God will use you.