
Does it ever feel like it's you against the world? It seems like everything you try fails, or just doesn't go according to plan. Maybe it's your friendships. You put in the effort, but then you find yourself hurt by gossip or lies. Maybe you feel like what you believe or think about an issue is so different from everyone else.
I think the disciples had similar feelings. Jesus was pretty clear to his disciples — this life is not going to be easy. It would be a dark, unwelcoming place sometimes. He told them they would even be hated, but they weren't to fear. They wouldn't be alone. Even if it was "them against the world," Jesus promised to be in it with them then and would be in the future through the Holy Spirit.
God gives us the Holy Spirit when we believe in Jesus as our savior. The Holy Spirit is God's presence with us, helping us to know God. God's Spirit shines a light, revealing hope and wisdom. God's Spirit renews us when we feel worn down by life and strengthens us to obey what God will have us do.
So, how have you experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit? Remember, we are chosen, saved, and appointed by God to do good work, bearing fruit. God does not leave us alone, but is in it with us!
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Over the next two weeks, we'll follow the Easter story as we remember there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the deepest darkness. We'll talk about how Jesus is with us in the darkness and explore what it means that Jesus is the light in the darkness.