
When there's plenty of light out, we're free to take a long hike, go to an amusement park, or go for a swim. Doing those things in the middle of the night, though? No thank you. When the world is dark, our fears get amplified — and this isn't only for physical darkness, either.
There are moments in our lives when we feel in the dark emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. These dark moments can leave us feeling lost, alone, and scared. We might even wonder if we'll ever make sense of our lives or our surroundings. So what can we do when our world starts to feel dark?
When we look at Jesus' life, we see he wasn't a stranger when it came to feeling alone, forgotten, or in the darkness. During his last week on earth, he knew what would happen to him, but he used that time to show love and care to the people around him. Even in the middle of his own pain and darkness, Jesus showed up for others, and he will show up for you, too.
As you have moments where the darkness surrounds you, remember to look for Jesus in those moments. He can relate to what you're feeling, and he's there to support you through the pain, fear, and confusion you may be feeling. Because Jesus showed up for the disciples when they were on the brink of their own long, dark night, we can know Jesus is with us in the darkness.
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Over the next two weeks, we'll follow the Easter story as we remember there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the deepest darkness. We'll talk about how Jesus is with us in the darkness and explore what it means that Jesus is the light in the darkness.