
When we walk through a dark room, especially one we are unfamiliar with, each step can feel like a risk. Will I run into a wall? Will I trip over something? What was that noise? Why can't I find the light switch faster!? It's an unsettling feeling not knowing what's ahead.
The disciples faced an uncertain future. For about three years, their normalcy revolved around Jesus — learning from him, following him, and living in the comfort of his friendship. Even though a life spent following Jesus had its unexpected twists and turns — he was known for his miracles. What they knew about Jesus was what they had come to expect. So when Jesus said he was going, it's understandable that the disciples were troubled. But Jesus didn't go without leaving them with a hope to anchor them, promises to provide for them, and a way forward.
We all need to hear Jesus' words and not only to hear, but to believe. Jesus is the way ahead for all of us. We can spend our days wrestling in the darkness alone, or we can turn our eyes to Jesus, whose unstoppable light is breaking through and revealing what is true.
Whatever feels uncertain, whatever causes you to worry, whatever feels like wandering in darkness, Jesus can be trusted through it all. When we know Jesus, we know God. Our steps forward can be taken in the comfort of God's unwavering love.
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Over the next two weeks, we'll follow the Easter story as we remember there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the deepest darkness. We'll talk about how Jesus is with us in the darkness and explore what it means that Jesus is the light in the darkness.