
Have you ever played flashlight tag? As the one who is "it," you run around shining your light, trying to catch glimpses of another person to tag. In the dark, you can't see everything that is going on, but your light helps you know what direction to run.
Before Jesus, people had only glimpses of God through prophets, angels, miraculous signs, burning bushes, clouds of smoke leading by day, and more. The birth of Jesus was like a flood of light pouring into the darkness — no longer a just glimpse of God but God in human form. He is the light, revealing what God is truly like — full of grace and truth.
Jesus, who always existed, was lighting the way to salvation from the beginning. This first passage in the book of John points us back to the creation story in the book of Genesis. When God said "Let there be light," what was once formless and void was beginning to shift toward order and good. From the beginning, light was God's way of revealing what is good and true. And that is what Jesus does as the light for all humanity.
We can set our eyes on Jesus, the Word who became flesh. By reading God's words, the Bible, we see more clearly and understand more fully. Salvation is not hidden by darkness because Jesus overcame the darkness. Through Jesus, we can run toward God in the light.
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Over the next two weeks, we'll follow the Easter story as we remember there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the deepest darkness. We'll talk about how Jesus is with us in the darkness and explore what it means that Jesus is the light in the darkness.