
Are you someone who trusts others easily, taking them at their word? Or does the statement, "I'll believe it when I see it," resonate with you more? Do you need evidence to believe something is true?
Thomas had heard stories from the other disciples of resurrected Jesus sightings. Jesus had appeared at the place of his burial, in a locked room where his followers hid in fear, and on a road where travelers conversed with him to name a few instances. Even with all of his friends' first-hand accounts, Thomas wanted to see this resurrection business for himself, basically saying until I touch his wounds myself, I won't believe it.
Do you relate to Thomas? Do your questions or doubts ever make you feel in the dark when it comes to God? Have peace, friend! God is in the believer-making business, and your doubts are never too big to turn God away. Jesus didn't shame Thomas for his doubts. Thomas did not fail the good disciple test. Jesus made a way for Thomas to believe.
That's what God does for each of us. Jesus reveals to us who God is, being God in human form. God's Word is living and active revealing God's heart for the world to be saved. We live in the presence of the Holy Spirit who is always at work. When we seek the truth, Jesus will shine a light, making a way for us to believe.
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Over the next two weeks, we'll follow the Easter story as we remember there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the deepest darkness. We'll talk about how Jesus is with us in the darkness and explore what it means that Jesus is the light in the darkness.