Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalmsናሙና

Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

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Consider this scenario and strategise for a minute - if you had the opportunity to present yourself before a powerful king and request your greatest need - how would you make your case? It would probably be smart to begin by showing great respect – say some flattering things, followed by presenting why you are worth listening to and why it will not be wasted on you. After convincing the audience that you are a good person, you might make your request. Now, check out Psalm 106. It is a prayer and petition to the King who reigns over everything...but, the strategy is not what you would expect! It is a list of rebellion and sin against the very King we are praying to! It is a history lesson of how badly we have gone wrong, and yet how great God‘s mercy is! Perhaps this sum is highlighting to us something deeply profound about prayer - prayer is much bigger than what we ask of our King, it is remembering how great and generous He is! Let’s see what we can learn from the first half of Psalm 106:

GO DEEP: Vs 6-10: The writer kicks off the history lesson with one of the greatest stories of all time - God making a way to safety by splitting the seas in half - His people walked to freedom at the bottom of a sea!
Verse 7 points out that our rebellion started with NOT remembering God's many kindnesses. Take a minute to think back over your last few days and weeks - write down some of the things God has done for you. Make a strategy to become someone who never misses Gods kindnesses! (One suggestion: end every day by writing down what you’ve seen God do, and what you’re waiting on Him for).
Vs 13 & 21: The point is repeated again - they forgot what God had done! But verse 13 goes on to tell us that when we forget what God does, we don’t wait for His plans to unfold! If we don’t wait for God’s plans then whose plans are we acting on?! Spend a few minutes asking God if there are areas in your life where you need His plans.

BE BOLD: Who needs to hear this? Who could you share it with?

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Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

Is it possible to remain unshakeable and focused despite the ups and downs that life throws at us? The Psalms give us some practical keys to living steady, strong and full of purpose. Share the plan with your small group and join TeenStreet as we unfold the book of Psalms!
