Dive Deeper Into the Book of Jonahናሙና

When the sailors cast lots to find the culprit who caused the sudden storm, the lot fell on Jonah. Imagine how Jonah must have felt. Afraid. Guilty. Anxious. He knew God had orchestrated the strange set of circumstances—the storm and the casting of lots—to deal with his disobedience.
Even in the midst of a difficult situation, however, Jonah remembered who he was and who God was. He revealed his Hebrew identity to the sailors. He declared that he worshipped Yahweh, the Creator of heaven and earth. Jonah wanted the sailors to know beyond doubt that He served the God who ruled over the sea, the storms, and his own life. He could not hide or flee from God.
Confessing his identity may have humbled Jonah. Though he knew he had to face the consequences of his rebellion against God, recalling his identity as a prophet of the Almighty God may have encouraged him to trust God with the outcome.
The truth about our spiritual identity reinforces our trust in God and gives us the courage to endure life’s storms. We are God’s chosen people, beloved by Him. The Creator of the universe, Lord of lords, and King of kings is our heavenly Father.
Let’s remember who we are and whose we are.
1. How do you introduce yourself to people? Does your answer include God or mention your faith?
2. What situation or relationship in your life is causing you anxiety or fear? How can remembering your identity in Christ help you handle this situation?
Write down words from the Bible that describe your identity in Christ. Make a visual chart and display it in a place where you can see it several times a day.
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The book of Jonah highlights God's mercy and compassion and encourages us to examine our response to Him. This 10-day plan will help you unearth spiritual treasures buried in this Old Testament book. Every day, read a chapter, use the meditation to guide your thinking, and reflect on the questions to apply the passage to your life. It takes only ten minutes a day!