Dive Deeper Into the Book of Jonahናሙና

The story of Jonah’s rescue from the fish may seem unbelievable, but it was true. So true that Jesus mentioned it when He spoke about His own death and resurrection, which was similarly inconceivable and impossible to fathom.
Like Jonah, who was hidden in an unlikely place for a human, the belly of a fish, the Son of God was buried in a place not fit for Him, an earthly tomb. But Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, conquering death once and for all and proving that He had the ultimate power and authority over Satan.
The story of Jonah’s rescue reminds us of the significance and power of Jesus’ resurrection. Saved by the blood of the Lamb, we too will be resurrected and united with God one day in heaven. Jesus’ victory on the cross is the foundation of our hope of an eternal and secure future. It also impacts the way we live our lives here and now. Jesus’ power, available to us through the Holy Spirit, helps us overcome temptations and resist the power of sin in our lives.
Let’s trust His extraordinary resurrection power to also equip and empower us to carry out God’s purpose for our lives.
What difference does your belief in Jesus’ resurrection make in your life?
In which area of your life are you depending on your own strength to do what God is calling you to do? How will you ask Him to enable you?
Talk to a friend about Jesus’ resurrection and what it means to you.
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The book of Jonah highlights God's mercy and compassion and encourages us to examine our response to Him. This 10-day plan will help you unearth spiritual treasures buried in this Old Testament book. Every day, read a chapter, use the meditation to guide your thinking, and reflect on the questions to apply the passage to your life. It takes only ten minutes a day!