Dive Deeper Into the Book of Jonahናሙና

Jonah expected God to wipe out Nineveh. Even after God relented, Jonah hoped that the Ninevites would face God’s wrath. Sullen, angry, and unrepentant, the prophet camped outside the city, waiting for God to act.
Though Jonah’s attitude was proud and sinful, God was compassionate toward him. Once again. Like a loving parent, God caused a plant to grow over Jonah and give him shade so that he would not suffer. God thought about easing Jonah’s discomfort even as Jonah was fuming over God’s decision of sparing the lives of the Ninevites.
If we look closely at our own lives, we can see that God provides for us even when we sin and make mistakes. We can see God’s protective hand at work, not letting us go too far in our sin or not allowing us to face the full force of His wrath. Our sins and weaknesses do not keep God from showing us His unconditional love. His protection and provision are not restrained or hindered by our childish ways.
Our free will causes us to wander and rebel. But through it all, God is merciful and waits patiently for us to repent. As humans, we are prone to sin. As God, it’s in His nature to love.
Let's remember God's great love toward us when we sin and let's return to Him.
In which areas of your life are you more prone to sin? How can you ask God to help you?
How can you praise and worship God today for His provision and protection?
Share with a close friend about a situation in your life when you sinned but still experienced God’s protection.
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The book of Jonah highlights God's mercy and compassion and encourages us to examine our response to Him. This 10-day plan will help you unearth spiritual treasures buried in this Old Testament book. Every day, read a chapter, use the meditation to guide your thinking, and reflect on the questions to apply the passage to your life. It takes only ten minutes a day!