Dive Deeper Into the Book of Jonahናሙና

Jonah received instructions from God to go to Nineveh and preach against the sins of its people. Instead of following God’s instructions, he fled to Tarshish. Jonah did not want to preach to the Assyrians, who were enemies of Israel. He may have also suspected that God might relent and withhold judgment if the Ninevites turned from their wicked ways. The prophet decided to defy God’s orders.
Jonah holds up a mirror to our relationship with God, forcing us to evaluate our responses to God’s commands. Sometimes, we know which path to take based on our knowledge of the Bible and God’s character. For instance, God wants us to tell the truth, forgive others, and honor our parents. He does not want us to commit adultery or be envious of others. Other times, God gives us a specific command.
Have you ever experienced a persistent urge to pray for a particular friend or family member? Have you ever felt compelled to do something or go somewhere, convinced it was an instruction from God?
God’s precepts, both specific and general, are sacred and honorable. There is only one right way to respond to Him—in reverent obedience and submission. We choose to obey God, not because we have to, but because we love Him. Obedience brings us closer to God, whereas disobedience makes us flee from Him. Like Jonah.
Let’s draw closer to God by obeying Him.
Is there a command in the Bible that you find hard to obey? Why?
How has obedience to God strengthened your walk with Him?
Think about an instance when you obeyed God and saw immediate results. Write a prayer of thanksgiving and praise.
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The book of Jonah highlights God's mercy and compassion and encourages us to examine our response to Him. This 10-day plan will help you unearth spiritual treasures buried in this Old Testament book. Every day, read a chapter, use the meditation to guide your thinking, and reflect on the questions to apply the passage to your life. It takes only ten minutes a day!