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Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Andersonናሙና

Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson

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[Scheduled Reading: Genesis 1-23. Click here  to access and print out your complete 60-Day Reading Plan, as well as tips for "Power Reading."]

Greetings! For Day 1 reading, I have a question to consider.

What’s the most popular verse in the Bible? 

When I ask a room of children this question, everyone blurts out “John 3:16!” According to Google, they may be right.

Then I ask, “what’s the most popular verse in the Old Testament?” I may hear Jeremiah 29:11… or Joshua 1:9…or Proverbs 3:5. Good guesses. 

While not the most popular, one of the most foundational verses in the Old Testament is Genesis 3:15.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. (NIV)

When God cursed the serpent after Adam and Eve had sinned, He delivered a verdict and a forecast of what was to come.

There’s going to be a Seed—Jesus—who will come from the line of Eve. The serpent (Satan) will harass the earth and strike the heel of Jesus. In the end, Jesus will crush Satan’s head. 

Genesis 3:15 is arguably the most common stop-by verse for Bible theologians used to explain the Bible’s systematic theology. From Genesis 3:15 forward, the rest of the Bible is all about working out this verse.

And sure enough, sixty-plus generations after Adam, this Holy Spirit “Seed”is born – baby Jesus. Jesus grows up, walks the earth, dies a crucifixion death and miraculously rises again.

This resurrection event is a crushing blow to the serpent, but not the final blow. (Spoiler alert!) That comes in the book of Revelation.

Genesis 3:15 is a mind-numbing prophecy and sums up the Bible narrative in less than 30 words.

As you read today, and throughout these next 60 days, keep the big picture in mind.


[Click here to access and print out your complete 60-Day Reading Plan, as well as tips for "Power Reading."]

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Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson

With one hour of reading a day, you can "Power Read" through the Bible” in 60 days. Seriously! The Bible is readable and understandable,  especially when read quickly. For 60 days this plan keeps the Bible’s big picture in view by providing daily insights and encouragement to help you stay on track.
