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Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Andersonናሙና

Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ60

Day 60


[Scheduled Reading: 1, 2 & 3 John; Jude; Revelation]

The first time I read the full Bible in this power-reading fashion, Revelation hit me like a freight train - jolting my spiritual senses and reminding me how serious God’s plan really is.

Revelation is really a short book. But something about reading it in one sitting makes it come alive. I don’t have to understand all the symbolism and eschatological events to benefit from the read.

There’s plenty to understand that’s in plain English.

Yes, it’s dark… and dreary… frightening… and sad… It’s all those things.

But in God’s view, his wrath and judgment is just… and it’s coming! (Soon, by the way.)

After 20 chapters of dreadful judgment, death, blood, battles, plagues, etc. - we finally come to the end (which is really the beginning).  

After death and hades (that’s hell) are swallowed up in the lake of fire, the new heaven and new earth appear (chapter 21).

We get the dimensions of the New Jerusalem (that’s going to be like heaven’s capital city). We get a blueprint of the city and it’s precious materials - streets of gold, gates made of giant pearls. And there’s the tree of life, again (remember, from the Garden of Eden?).

Kings from the earth will bring their splendor into the gates. Pretty cool.

Be sure to note the final Chapter 22.

Three times, Jesus says Hisreturn will be soon (verses 7, 12, 20).Jesus is coming to reward those whose names are in the book of life (v12).

And there’s a special blessing in store for those who read and keep the words of the prophecy of this book (verse 7). All the more reason to make sure we read this book on a regular basis.

As Bible readers, we have now read the entire Bible. We have seen all the prophecies that have been fulfilled. And we can know that the ones that remain (in Revelation) will come to pass as well.


You just read the entire Bible… in 60 Days. Wow!

Friends, it’s been an awesome privilege to walk these sixty days with you. There’s much to process from it all.

Take a deep breath. And do something to celebrate what you’ve just accomplished.

I’d be honored to receive your feedback about the experience. Feel free to reach out to me at www.JeffAnderson.com, and tell me about  your Bible-reading journey. 


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Power Read The Bible In 60 Days With Jeff Anderson

With one hour of reading a day, you can "Power Read" through the Bible” in 60 days. Seriously! The Bible is readable and understandable,  especially when read quickly. For 60 days this plan keeps the Bible’s big picture in view by providing daily insights and encouragement to help you stay on track.
