Celebrating the Light of ChristmasVoorbeeld

Celebrating the Light of Christmas

DAG 18 VAN 20

Resist the Devil With Joy

Here’s something you may have already noticed…

The devil doesn’t take any time off at Christmas.

You’re busy shopping and putting up the tree. He’s busy plotting how to steal, kill and destroy. It’s his MO.

He’s hoping to catch you off guard while you’re planning Christmas dinner, volunteering at the Christmas food bank, or hanging lights on the house. 

Christmas is all about Jesus—the Light of Joy. It’s a time for precious celebration of hope, love, peace and joy, which have all come to earth for mankind.

That’s why the devil is making holiday plans of his own—to steal all those things from you, and he sends out his plan in the form of trials, challenges and frustrations.

But there is a secret power in enduring through trials.

James 1 tells us to count it all joy when we face life’s struggles. That’s right! We can choose to respond in JOY to hardships. It will take effort, no doubt, but with God’s help, you can do it!

What happens when we count it all joy and endure with patience?

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).

When you trust in God’s covenant to provide what you need, you will be blessed! And, as Gloria Copeland has learned, “When you prove to Satan enough times that you will not compromise God’s Word, he will stay out of your way.”

Yes, you can learn how to respond when Satan attacks! You don’t have to sit idly by waiting for something to change. 

This Christmas, make a decision to stand in faith, resist the devil, give your attention to God’s Word, and count it all joy when enduring trials. When you do, you will come out the victor and take all the spoils with you. What a perfect way to celebrate the Light of Joy this Christmas! 

Dag 17Dag 19

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Celebrating the Light of Christmas

Are you ready to put away the distractions and focus on the greatest gift ever given? This Christmas season, join us for a four-week devotion and Bible reading plan as we celebrate Jesus—The Light of Christmas. Dig deeper and discover Jesus as the light of hope, peace, love, joy and salvation in your life. This truly is the most wonderful time of year—don’t miss out!
