Celebrating the Light of ChristmasVoorbeeld

Celebrating the Light of Christmas

DAG 15 VAN 20

The Greatest Sign of Spiritual Maturity

“I never did drink much. I stayed married to my wife. And I gave all my money away to people in need.”

Those were the words of a 95-year-old man to his Christian granddaughter after she shared the gospel with him one last time in hopes of leading him to salvation. He died shortly after, expecting his good works to be enough.

It’s easy for non-Christians and Christians alike to get caught up in external acts and think it somehow equates to holiness. While Jesus did say, “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16, NKJV), He was not speaking of outward actions alone, but those pouring forth from the spiritually mature heart. 

While Christians can sometimes pride themselves in checking “holiness” boxes, Jesus made it clear that external works are not indicators of right living. In fact, He often rebuked the Pharisees for believing so. 

First Corinthians 13:2 says, “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing” (NIV).

Certainly, we should desire to live a life that is pleasing before the Lord, but the greatest sign of spiritual maturity isn’t tithing, “being nice,” attending church or reciting scriptures. The greatest sign of spiritual maturity is LOVE. 

Gloria Copeland says, “Love is the single most important key to growing up in God. If we don’t grow up in love, we don’t grow up at all.”

That’s something we need to focus on this Christmas season. Attending church and tithing, while those things are in obedience to God’s Word, mean nothing if you’re rude to your spouse, gossiping about your neighbor, or bickering with your in-laws over Christmas dinner.

At what spiritual age does your behavior peg you? 

This Christmas (and every day!), determine to grow up in the area of love. Watch how you talk to your spouse, children and co-workers. Keep yourself from boasting about your accomplishments or broadcasting compliments others give you. Refrain from reminding people of the wrong they’ve done, and treat everyone with kindness and respect (even those who frustrate you).

“Let us grow up in every way and in all things into Him”(Ephesians 4:15, AMPC). Let’s let the Light of Love—Jesus Christ—shine through our lives in everything we say and do this Christmas and always. 

Dag 14Dag 16

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Celebrating the Light of Christmas

Are you ready to put away the distractions and focus on the greatest gift ever given? This Christmas season, join us for a four-week devotion and Bible reading plan as we celebrate Jesus—The Light of Christmas. Dig deeper and discover Jesus as the light of hope, peace, love, joy and salvation in your life. This truly is the most wonderful time of year—don’t miss out!
