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21 Prayers Every Christain Should PrayVoorbeeld

21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray

DAG 5 VAN 21


Today’s Bible Reading: Hebrews 5:11-14

The goal of every Christian should be continued growth. Being a disciple means being a follower and a learner. Our posture is always one of humility – knowing that we don’t know it all. There is always more to learn about God. Always more to learn about ourselves. Always more to learn about becoming more effective for God’s Kingdom.

The great enemies of continued growth and learning are pride and laziness. Make it your prayer today that God would remove pride and laziness from your heart. Make it your goal this year to grow in your faith and in your understanding.

Today’s Prayer Focus: A Stronger Faith and A Deeper Understanding

Dag 4Dag 6

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