


We begin this Bible study journey with words that may hurt initially. 

You are not enough.

We aren’t. None of us. It’s a universal diagnosis. But after we absorb the initial shock and hurt of that truth, it’s usually followed by a wave of relief. We understand there is a reason we all feel a deep-in-our-bones problem. Then and only then can we allow Jesus to meet our enormous need.

I am so full of hope. Though we’ve been looking in all the wrong places for freedom, the door to true freedom is now found in a difficult diagnosis. It’s a door to the most tender, kind, freeing, full hope.

Are you tired?

Worn out?

Burned out on trying to measure up? Trying to prove yourself?

Maybe we are doing this life all wrong.

What if instead of living insecurely, you were watching God move through you in ways you couldn’t believe?

What if instead of living in fear, you lived seeing potential?

Jesus has a plan for our emptiness, our fatigue, our inadequacies, our sin.

Jesus is saying, Keep coming back to Me and I will keep satisfying you.

And out of that life with Me, you will overflow and bring life to others.

We are here because it seems everything in us is fighting to keep us from getting to the water we are so thirsty for. I see it in your eyes when we sit and talk about how you are really, actually doing. War. We hesitate to use the word because it sounds dramatic. But you feel it.

We want to think the war is out there, out there on the Internet, out there on the news, out there in other countries, out there in everyone else. So we say, “I’m okay.” We think that and say that and try to mean it.

But the fight is always right here with us. So many of us stay thirsty, even though cold, living springs of water are right over the hill, completely available to us. Pretending to be at peace never ended a war. Engaging. Fighting. Coming together for great purposes. That is what ends wars.

We must remind ourselves from Scripture who we are in Christ. Jesus is enough, so we don’t have to be. In fact, it is downright arrogant to keep trying to be. 

I don’t have to prove anything because Jesus proved everything.

Usuku 2

Mayelana naloluHlelo


Too many of us walk through life feeling as if we don't measure up. We always seem to thirst for more. We think if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don't have to be. In Proven, Jennie Allen walks through the Book of John to demonstrate how only Jesus is enough.
