Dwell | Holy Week and EasterIsampula

Dwell | Holy Week and Easter


This Is The King

Good Friday


Let's begin with a moment of silence, centering our minds, bodies, and hearts upon the Lord our God.


“Even on the cross he did not hide himself from sight; rather, he made all creation witness to the presence of its Maker.” -St. Athanasius


Today Christ is “exalted” and “lifted up” (Isa 52:15). A routine yet brutal execution, witnessed by a handful of people, is somehow a display for the world.

But of what?

The pattern of God’s self-giving love has been public knowledge since before the prophets, going back to Abraham, Noah, the Garden of Eden—as far back as God’s words and deeds toward His creation stretch. The covenants. The sacrifices. The Servant described in Isaiah. The sign over Jesus’ cross makes it plain, in several languages:

This is the King of the Jews. The one who shows the world that God is in charge.

But no one expected this. A cross with God on it? No one would have imagined it.

And yet, all these prophecies and signs are fulfilled. It is finished. All of history bends toward Jesus as He suffers and dies. The fountain from which creation sprang is now revealed, love utterly poured out. Jesus is showing us how God gives, how God is, the essence of God’s authority. In the moment, we don’t see it. But eventually, in retrospect, we do: Jesus Christ is the Lord of all, the center of reality.

No matter how long we have known the Lord, His ways are still deeper, more mysterious, more beautiful. They change our definitions of wisdom and power, what it means to love, to be His Beloved.

There is so much that can be said about where the Gospel takes us today and where it leaves us. But if those words don’t lead us to awed silence, then perhaps they are not the right words.


Almighty God, we pray You graciously behold this your family, for whom our Lord Jesus Christ was willing to be betrayed, and given into the hands of sinners, and to suffer death upon the cross; who now lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Reflective Practice

Consider deepening your fast today—whatever might make extra room in your day for silence and quiet of heart. Spend as much time as you’re able in silent reflection or prayer. Breathe deeply. Remember Christ on the cross. Remind yourself that this is your Lord.


If you would like to dive deeper into the themes of this devotional, you are invited to continue by listening to today's Scripture passages, giving thanks to God for His word, and asking Him to write it upon our hearts.

Go in peace today, and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Dwell | Holy Week and Easter

In Holy Week, we encounter a God who moves ever closer to us, even in our brokenness and shame. Yet what lies before us is a question: will we return to the Lord? This year, through repentance and renewal, let us be ready to greet the Lord at his Resurrection. This plan is an excerpt from Dwell's Lenten devotional, "Return," available in its entirety within the Dwell Bible App.
