Becoming a Supernatural LeaderIsampula

Becoming a Supernatural Leader



What’s the point?

That’s what Elijah was wondering when he finally collapsed after running for his life. He was exhausted, isolated, and ready to throw in the towel. He had been leading strong, fighting for his people, and (literally) calling down fire from Heaven.

But his powerful message seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. It didn’t look like anybody had his back, so who would even notice if he disappeared? Oh, and Jezebel wanted to kill him (and here we are, worried about Cancel Culture).

This is where our story picks up in 1 Kings 19. Elijah, one of the greatest prophets and leaders in the Bible, was ready to quit his Calling. The Spiritual Authority he had been given had a weight to it, and he didn’t think he could carry it any longer. It just felt too heavy.

But God had other plans for Elijah. God saw beyond the current nation Elijah was trying to reach to the future generations that would be impacted by his leadership and legacy. So as Elijah was running away, God graciously stepped in and redirected him.

God knew it wasn’t Elijah’s Calling that was crushing him — it was the way he was carrying it. So God led Elijah to Elisha at the end of 1 Kings 19.

Elijah saw Elisha working hard and placed his Mantle (or cloak) on Elisha’s shoulders. This gesture was symbolic; it meant Elijah would no longer be carrying his Calling alone, and Elisha would continue stewarding the mantle long after Elijah was gone.

This simple moment in Scripture would lead to so many miracles. The moment when Elijah decided he wouldn’t throw in the towel but would begin to share the load. The moment when Elisha decided he wouldn’t allow anything to hold him back but would go all in. This was the moment when two of the most influential prophets in history determined they were going to lead for the long run and they were going to do it together.

As a follower of Christ, you’ve been Called to lead. Maybe it’s a group of middle schoolers, a team at church, or inside your own home. You might not call down fire from Heaven, but make no mistake — you are Called. You might not rock a cloak every day, but you carry a Mantle. And Mantles (Spiritual Authority) can be set down, transferred (as was the case with Elijah and Elisha), or taken.

If what you’ve been carrying feels heavy, it’s probably because it is. Your Calling has a weight to it, and you need to make sure you’re carrying it correctly so you can carry it for the long run.

For the next few days, let’s lean into the stories of Elijah and Elisha so we can learn how to become Supernatural Leaders.

Inhale and pray: Father, thank You for Calling me.

Exhale and pray: Show me how to carry my Calling for Your Glory.

Usuku 2

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Becoming a Supernatural Leader

You are Called, and your Calling has a weight to it. Whether you lead in your church, your office, or your home, you’re meant to steward what’s in your hands. In this six-day devotional, we’re studying Elijah and Elisha — two Supernatural Leaders from the Bible. Together, we’ll learn key attributes every leader needs to lead for the long run and leave a legacy for the next generation.
