Growing Our Church Family Part 1Isampula

Growing Our Church Family Part 1



Jesus redefined family for His people. Not only did He open the door for the inclusion of Gentiles into a previously Jewish faith community, but He also shifted priority from biological family to spiritual family. In the Jewish culture of that day, parents were considered the ultimate authority in a person’s life, other than God himself. Earthly family hierarchies dictated significant roles and responsibilities, tying family members together with traditions and expectations. But Jesus emphasized obedience to God as a greater unifying factor than these blood relationships (Mark 3:35).

It’s important to understand that by quoting Micah 7:6 in Matthew 10:35-36, Jesus wasn’t suggesting that His specific intention was to divide earthly families; He was addressing a cultural tradition that believers may have needed to leave behind to wholeheartedly serve Him. This would particularly apply when a person became a disciple of Jesus, but their earthly family did not.

It may seem scary or hard to choose the things of Jesus above the priorities or preferences of our natural families. Still, it is important to remember that Jesus doesn’t ask us to leave everything for Him and then abandon us. He assures us that what we receive from God is far more valuable than what we give up. Our obedience and sacrifice lead to a greater blessing.

In the area of family relationships, the Church is meant to fulfill that promise. The committed companionship of spiritual brothers and sisters is a provision and blessing to those who follow Him. Even as Jesus was dying on the cross, He knew He could rely on a brother in the faith to care and provide for his earthly mother. The depth of the relationship they experienced through unity in the Spirit resulted in loyalty and love as powerful as that between a mother and son.

Ask Yourself:

-When have I been challenged to choose between an earthly relationship priority and following Jesus?

-What did I learn about life in God’s family through that experience?

-How has a shared commitment to serving God first impacted my relationships with other believers?

-How has God asked me to bless and provide for my spiritual brothers and sisters?

Pause to Pray for the Church: Heavenly Father, Sometimes the expectations and responsibilities of this world blind us to Your words and Your way. Thank You for opening our eyes to the value and importance of our spiritual family relationships. Help us to focus our attention on Your will and to trust You to provide all that we need as we do so... In Jesus’ name, amen.

Take a Next Step into Christian community: Take a little time to think about your current level of connection to others in the body of Christ. Brainstorm a few ways that you might deepen those relationships, and then challenge yourself to take one of those steps this week.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Growing Our Church Family Part 1

When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, they made a commitment to discipleship in the context of community. And from that point forward, the Church has been built on this same idea. But how can broken and sinful people who disagree about so many things work together for God’s Kingdom? Join us as we explore what it means to be the church: devoted, connected, and discipled brothers and sisters.
