Hebrews Bible StudyIsampula

Hebrews Bible Study


Grow Up to Maturity & 3rd Warning (Hebrews 4:14-6:12)

"Even though we speak like this, dear friends, we are convinced of better things in your case—the things that have to do with salvation." Hebrews 6:9 (NIV)


Today’s video considers wider biblical context to address this question: is the author of Hebrews claiming that genuine Christians can lose their salvation?

Additionally, after reading the passage from Hebrews, you’ll read the story of Jesus’ tears in Gethsemane. It provides background for the author’s encouragement that Jesus truly understands human weakness.


In today’s reading, the author returns to the discussion of Jesus as humanity’s perfect representative and sympathetic high priest (4:14-5:10).

He then urges readers to grow up in Christ, since they have been acting like immature children for too long. They have been stuck on basic teachings about repentance, faith, Christ’s resurrection, and God’s future judgment of sin, among others (5:11-6:3). This leads to his third warning: that it is impossible to bring again to repentance those who have shared in the life of the Spirit and then have fallen away (6:4-8).

However, despite his severe warning, the author is convinced it does not apply to his readers. This is because he has observed their genuine faith expressed through the fruit of love and good works (6:9-12).


As you read Hebrews 4:14-6:12, put yourself in the shoes of the original readers.Perhaps Jesus’ grief in Gethsemane came to mind as they considered the author’s claim that Jesus understands what it’s like to be weak, tempted, and alone (see Mark 14:32-42). How would that story speak to them in their current circumstance?

How would the author’s severe warning not to fall away from Christ convey his deep love for them?

How could the author’s confidence that his warning does not actually apply to them become motivation to persevere by faith?


Jesus understands our weakness.

We are called to maturity.

Speak words of encouragement to fellow believers, even when it is necessary to speak to them a word of warning.

Which one of these truths from today’s passage stands out to you? Spend some time asking God how they could impact your daily life. How is he calling you to respond to them?

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Hebrews Bible Study

This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of Hebrews for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: (1) observing the text of Hebrews; (2) interpreting the original message to its first readers; and (3) applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today.
