Use Your Words!Isampula

Use Your Words!


The power of “No.”

I am just beginning to learn the power of the word “no” because, as a people-pleaser, I admit I am predisposed only to use the word “yes.” However, the wisdom of both these words has been etched into my heart in the past few days: saying “NO” to both the good and the bad allows me to say “YES” to the best!

As I open my Bible, I am amazed at the number of times Jesus said “No.” Jesus said “No” to the pressure of the crowd and withdrew to a quiet place to connect with His Father, and He said “No” to the temptation of Satan, responding instead with scripture and power! Jesus said “No” to the spiritual games of the Pharisees and brought wisdom and truth in return every single time.

But the most powerful “no” in scripture happens in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is a heartbreaking moment when Jesus asks:

“...‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.’”

(Matthew 26:39, NIV)

While it is not stated, the Father’s answer to Jesus’ request was “No.” God the Father said “No” to His only Son so that He could say “yes” to our salvation! What a miraculous and undeserved response!

I want to encourage you to use your words today and utilize your “no.”

Maybe you need to say NO to someone who is not a good influence or taking advantage of you. Having good boundaries is both wise and godly. Saying “no” to a bad relationship allows you to have a margin and to invest in your BEST relationships.

Maybe you need to say NO to something that’s monopolizing your time and has become an idol in your life. I am currently doing a fast in which I’m saying no to food so that I can devote that time to prayer and growing in my relationship with Jesus. Am I looking forward to breaking the fast with breakfast tomorrow? Yes! But saying “no” to food has allowed me to connect with Jesus in a new way, and that is always BEST!

Maybe you need to say NO regarding somewhere you thought you needed to be so that you can spend time with Jesus. Saying “no” to a lesser priority can allow you to say “yes” to your highest priority, Jesus…

Today, God has equipped you with an unexpected and miraculous word: “No.” Say this word to evil, discouragement, bad priorities, idolatry, the wrong kind of anger, and selfishness. In saying “no,” God can help you say “yes” to His goodness, encouragement, the best priorities, choosing Him, joy, and selflessness. I invite you to make the choice today! :-)

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Use Your Words!

The power of words! Have you ever focused on the power that words have over our lives? How do we use the words we have been given to lead a life that glorifies God?! Spend the week understanding the power behind words such as “sorry,” “yes,” and “no,” among others.
