Through the Bible With Birds and BeastsIsampula

Through the Bible With Birds and Beasts


Because He Cares About His Creatures, We Care

At the Lion’s Den, which is my wildlife rehab operation’s name (after the Lion of Judah), I have a “theme” Scripture that comes out of Psalm 50. In this psalm, the Lord reminds us that all the earth’s birds and beasts belong to Him personally. He states all the animals of the forest are His, along with the cattle on a thousand hills. Then He adds that He knows every bird on the mountains and that every animal of the field belongs to Him. When He mentions the animals of the field, the original Hebrew wording includes everything from insects to field mice to wild beasts.

That covers every category from Genesis 1 we talked about earlier: wild animals, livestock, and creatures that move along the ground (and more besides, when you add the birds). The Lord lays claim to owning them all Himself, no matter what or where or whose they are. That tells me He cares about them deeply. It also tells me we ought to steward them responsibly, caring for them because He cares. That’s reason enough for me!

Yet, multiple Scriptures give us reason to care about God’s creatures. Numerous passages suggest in some way, on some level, they are capable of praising their Creator. In Psalms 148 and 150, everything that has breath is praising the Lord. Psalm 104 talks about young lions seeking their food from God. Psalm 84 talks about birds seeking a nest near His altar. (I think God’s creatures are drawn to Him, even as these birds were drawn toward His Temple.)

Job 12 tells us to ask the beasts and they will teach us, or the birds of the air and they will tell us, or the fish of the sea and they will inform us because they all know what the hand of the Lord has done. If we as humans don’t recognize God’s greatness, we are falling behind the rest of His creation!

Animals seem to be a fixture even in the heavenlies. Revelation 4 pictures God’s throne being surrounded by creatures with some facial features similar to animals on earth. If God likes animals enough to feature them throughout the Bible, and even to have them in some form in His Throne Room, surely, I tell myself, that’s a legitimate reason for you and me to enjoy them here on earth—and possibly into eternity.


We hope you enjoyed this plan! To read more from author Trish Ann Konieczny, check out her new book, Raccoon Gangs, Pigeons Gone Bad, and Other Animal Adventures.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Through the Bible With Birds and Beasts

Our Creator loves all of His creatures, great and small. Humanity is the height of God’s creation on the earth, and we, therefore, share a special relationship with Him. Yet all kinds of birds and beasts make an appearance throughout the pages of Scripture. Each animal mentioned in the Bible shows you and me more about the Lord’s majestic creativity, as well as highlighting His compassion toward every living thing.
