How to Take a BreakIsampula

How to Take a Break


“It’s easy to silence your phone. It’s not easy to silence your mind.” John Brandon encourages a 7-minute break routine for us to recharge. But how we spend our break time matters. Is it actually taking a break if we’re scrolling through Facebook or running to put in another load of laundry? If we use our breaks to pause our mind and step into the peace Jesus offers we can reflect on his eternal purpose.

I’m always challenged by how Paul and Silas spent their time in jail. They weren’t begging the guard to find them an official so they could plead their innocence. They weren’t pacing with worry. What were they doing? They were praying and singing hymns to God (Acts 16:25). In this situation Paul and Silas were forced into this “break,” but they used their time intentionally. They prayed and gained strength from God through prayer and song. The songs of praise were as much for God as they were for them. The prayers and songs centered them on trusting God and gave them strength to endure. It goes without saying that this was a better use of their time than being consumed with worry or trying to free themselves.

How Paul and Silas spent their time recharged them for their next steps. During our breaks, we need to rest so we can be recharged for the next task. The Bible clearly states, “Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest,” (Matthew 11:28). 

God will give you rest, but you must first go to him. He wants to be your refuge. God is waiting for you to give your burdens to him. While God isn’t promising that any of your hard work will go away, he is saying that he will carry the burden for you. Taking a break to pray, to sit in silence with God, to ask him for help, or to give him praise are some of the things that can be included in your break time and leave you feeling refreshed. Scrolling Facebook might not seem like a task, but it probably isn’t renewing your spirit. Do not let your heart be troubled. Take a break with God and allow your soul to be filled with his peace. 

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

How to Take a Break

We all need them. A break helps us cope with life, to see things from a new perspective. Yet, we are so busy we often skip those precious times when we can sit idle, pray, and reflect on the moments of life. This devotional is intended to address that problem.
