A Way In The WildernessIsampula

A Way In The Wilderness


The Cost Of A Dream

From a young age, Joseph believed God had destined him for greatness. He was a dreamer. But there was a problem - he was boastful about his dreams. Joseph was blessed with the gift to interpret dreams, but he lacked wisdom in knowing how to use it appropriately.

In his dreams, God showed Joseph he would rise to a position of leadership over his parents and brothers. From Joseph’s point of view, the dreams were evidence of divine blessing rather than his own ambition. But to his brothers, the dreams were a further indication of the unfair privilege Joseph enjoyed as the favorite son of their father, Jacob. Jealousy drove Joseph’s brothers to sell him to merchants who then took him to Egypt.

Joseph’s life spiraled downwards from then on. After being falsely accused of attempted rape by Potiphar’s wife, he was thrown into jail. Accused, abandoned and alone, it seemed like Joseph had been put out into the wilderness. What a far cry from the lofty dreams he initially had!

However, some dreams take longer than expected to be fulfilled. It was only in prison that his breakthrough came when he was called to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. This time, instead of telling others his dreams, he interpreted the dreams of others.

The gift that got Joseph into trouble was the very same gift that would eventually promote him to a place of influence where he was used by God for a greater purpose. 

  • List the gifts that God has blessed you with. Have those gifts pushed you to excel or have they set you back? 
  • Do you view setbacks as punishment or an opportunity to refine and reshape your character?

No matter where we are in life, God is constantly molding us for His divine assignment.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

A Way In The Wilderness

There are seasons in life when we find ourselves drifting in the wilderness. We feel uncomfortable, lost, isolated and afraid. But throughout Scripture, God has used the wilderness to teach and remind His people who He is and what He can do. This plan will help readers reaffirm their identity in Christ and discover not just a way out of the wilderness but the Way-Maker Himself.
