A Way In The WildernessIsampula

A Way In The Wilderness


The Wilderness – A Transition, Not A Destination

Have you experienced the wilderness before? The wilderness I am referring to is the kind that is like a vast, barren wasteland of nothingness, where there are more signs of death than life. Like a desert. 

I have been in a desert and I did not enjoy it at all. The land was harsh and the weather was unbearable. It was the kind of environment that would reveal the best or worst in you. For me, it was the latter.

I was constantly thirsty and kept losing my temper. However, the evening brought about a different mood. The cool of the night swung me to the other end of the emotional pendulum. The better end. But it did not last and the vicious temperature cycle repeated itself the next day.

Being in the wilderness allowed me to catch a glimpse of what the people of God might have experienced during their wanderings. It may seem tough, but perhaps God puts us through it to train us. It is a place of refinement, not punishment. It is a place of transition. The wilderness is not a destination.

From the Old to the New Testament, we see how God, through the wilderness, displays His provision and protection, His guidance and deliverance, His healing and purification.

God cares for your internal well-being more than anything else. He wants you to trust Him wholeheartedly and not be easily affected by our circumstances. He wants your faith to be grounded. 

In the next 14 days, discover what God has to say about the wilderness experiences in your life, why it is important and how you can come out of it with your character shaped to be more like Jesus.  

  • Are you currently going through the wilderness?  
  • What do you think God is teaching you as you are in it?

It is the perseverance of our spirit that determines the outcome of our journey!

Usuku 2

Mayelana naloluHlelo

A Way In The Wilderness

There are seasons in life when we find ourselves drifting in the wilderness. We feel uncomfortable, lost, isolated and afraid. But throughout Scripture, God has used the wilderness to teach and remind His people who He is and what He can do. This plan will help readers reaffirm their identity in Christ and discover not just a way out of the wilderness but the Way-Maker Himself.
