Division: A Study in 1 KingsIsampula

Division: A Study in 1 Kings


What does it say?

Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead the people.

What does it mean?

Even though Solomon was a young, inexperienced king, God recognized that his heart was faithful. So when Solomon fell victim to the Canaanite influence, offering sacrifices to the Lord at pagan altars, there is no indication of a rebuke from God. Instead, God gave him an opportunity to make a request. Knowing he lacked maturity to lead, Solomon placed the people of Israel above himself and asked God to give him wisdom and a discerning heart. God was pleased and not only granted his request, but also promised him additional blessings of wealth and honor.

How should I respond?

If you could ask God for anything, what would it be? A better home, job, health, or financial security? It isn’t wrong to ask for what we need, but today’s passage shows what is more important than any “thing.” How often do you ask God for the ability to see people and circumstances as He does (discernment) and for an understanding of what to do (wisdom)? We cannot successfully manage our homes, families, and finances or make life-altering decisions without wisdom and discernment. What are you facing today? Rather than trying to figure it out alone, stop now and pray as Solomon did.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Division: A Study in 1 Kings

With the death of King David, Israel came under the leadership of Solomon. Although Solomon possessed incredible wealth and wisdom, his idolatry and unfaithfulness lead to derision and division in the kingdom. Despite Solomon and Israel's sinfulness, God continued to preserve the Davidic line in anticipation of the greater coming King, Jesus Christ.
