Affair Prevention in MarriageIsampula

Affair Prevention in Marriage


There are two major things that can lead to an affair. First, not taking action when you know your marriage is unhealthy. Second, embracing flattery or compliments from a person of the opposite sex. That’s where Kristi found herself.

Her marriage was disappointing and she welcomed attention from someone other than Adam. She was afraid to do the thing she needed to do - talk to Adam. Her fear of getting in trouble with him stopped her from taking that step. In my opinion, transparency is essential in a marriage.

Sin lives in the dark. When we bring it into the light, the light diffuses it and sin loses its power over us. Today’s verse from 1 John connects our transparency before God with our ability to connect with others: “If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.” Transparency before God frees us from guilt, shame and hiding. When we keep things in the dark, the enemy continues to work on us until we find ourselves in a place we never thought we would go.

Today, will you have the courage to expose the “worthless deeds of darkness and evil?”

After you watch the video, talk about the following questions.

  • On a one to 10 scale, 10 being the best, where would you rate your marriage today? Share your rating with each other.
  • What would move your marriage up just one point? Will you begin working on that together today?
  • How transparent are you with each other? What blocks complete transparency in your marriage? If it is trust, begin building trust today. If it is unforgiveness, begin the process of forgiveness today. Whatever it is, take step one towards full transparency in your marriage today.
  • Is there sin in your life that needs to be brought into the light? Don’t let anything stop you from doing that. There is so much freedom in the light. There you will find God and the answers you are seeking.

As you answered the questions, what did you both learn individually and as a couple? Based on that, what is a good next step for the two of you?

Usuku 4Usuku 6

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Affair Prevention in Marriage

As devastating as an affair is, God does amazing things when a couple commits to rebuild their marriage. In this plan by Dr. Kim, we meet Adam and Kristi and hear their story. If there has been an affair in your marriage, this plan will help in your healing. If not, it will help you understand each other and take steps to protect your marriage from this marriage killer.
