Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)Isampula

Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)


There is something about immortality that awakens something in the human heart. Is it eternal FOMO? Is it that we were created for something more than 80–90 years? 

We’ve searched for a fountain of youth and we spend billions of dollars each year to stave off the approach of death. There is something about an indestructible life that we yearn for.

In our last reading (Hebrews 7:1–10), we began to speak about a mysterious figure, the King of Salem called Melchizedek. And what  we learn from Genesis 14 is that this King was also a Priest! 

And now Jesus comes as both King and Priest forever. And Jesus is not a priest because of His physical or ancestral descent but, as the author of Hebrews puts it, “by the power of an indestructible life” (7:16). 

The point here is that Jesus is not dependent in the same ways we are, but He is who He is because of who He is. There is no higher reason or order of things where Jesus received His power and personhood. He has existed for all eternity and will continue to do so. 

The shocking reality is that Jesus uses this indestructible life for us and not against us. 

So whatever it is you are facing today—loss, grief, illness, pain—know that He has gifted you in the gospel this indestructible life so that you too can share in the riches of everything that belongs to the Son. 

Know this truth and may it be the ballast that holds you firm in the grip of grace.

Usuku 14Usuku 16

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Burn Your White Flags (Hebrews)

A devotional following Anchor Church Sydney's teaching series through the book of Hebrews. Burn Your White Flags is a way of saying 'no surrender'/'no turning back'! For Christians facing temptation to give up on faith, Hebrews is an encouragement to keep trusting Jesus in the midst of the pressures of the world, knowing Jesus is better than anything the world offers us.
