Big PictureIsampula

Big Picture


When we’re struggling through something, one of the best things we can do is remember what is true, both about who we are and the God who made us. 

What exactly is the truth? That we are God’s handiwork! We’re created by Him uniquely to do amazing and wonderful things in this world. 

Write the first part of this verse—We are God’s handiwork—on your mirror, a sticky note in your room, or somewhere else you can see it. Let it be a reminder of the bigger picture of who you are in Christ.

Usuku 19Usuku 21

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Big Picture

Big Picture: Seeing God work in the big picture of your life. Middle school students, join us for the next 25 day to find practical truth that will help you focus on seeing God work in the big picture of your life.
