Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus Isampula

Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus


Introduction to the Plan

Precious Mama,
We at the Help Club for Moms feel honored that you would take the time to read our devotional plan. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and welcome to Lent!

I love all of the beauty of this time of year. The sun is usually starting to emerge from behind the clouds, and flowers are showing off their first small bits of new growth. It is a season of hope, redemption, and gratefulness. Every day, Jesus reveals His power and immense love for us. When Jesus thinks of you, dear mama, He smiles. He is proud of you. He sees you working tirelessly. He yearns for deep closeness with you.

For the next six weeks, during the Lenten season, we are going through a wonderful time of intimacy with our Father called, “Come to the Garden.” This experience will be filled with gentleness and quietness, revelations from Him, and powerful moments of prayer.

During “Come to the Garden,” we are encouraging all moms to prayerfully consider spending intentional time in the Word of God. It’s called our "15/5 Challenge". We know you are busy moms, so we have designed this plan for only 31 out of the 40 days of Lent, giving you plenty of time to catch up. 

Here's how it works:

  • 15 minutes of Bible reading a day for at least 31 days of the Lenten season.
  • Five days a week/ six weeks in total.
  • Read the Scripture(s) and the short devotion each day.
  • Come to the Lord in prayer.
  • Each day, take a moment to write down what God speaks to you in your journal. 
  • Keep track of your reading progress with the "15/5 Challenge Tracker Sheet." Print it out by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. 

Friends, because of the great love of our Savior, you are set free! Our team promises this experience will be one you will not regret! We recognize that this is a large commitment for a busy mom like yourself. However, throughout our own lives, we have seen the Lord work in mighty ways when we designate time with Him above other things in life.

You can do this mama! I am so excited to hear the stories of how you have been changed during “Come to the Garden.” I am praying earnestly for each and every one of you. 

Love and Blessings,
Rachel Jones, Krystle Porter, and the Help Club for Moms Team

Click here for the "Come to the Garden 15/5 Challenge Tracker Sheet"!




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Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus

Mama, is your heart weary? Do you need refreshment for your soul? Join the Help Club for Moms this Lenten season as we refocus our hearts on Jesus and center our lives on His Word. Awaken this Resurrection Sunday with a heart full of joy, and a deeper understanding of our Savior's love.
