Holidays with the Help ClubIsampula

Holidays with the Help Club


Miracles of Multiplication

by Rae-Ellen Sanders

I have always been awed by the miracle story of the five loaves and two fish! In this incredible miracle of multiplication, Jesus first took time to give thanks for the little He had. Our Heavenly Father then multiplied the loaves and fish so generously that there was not only enough to feed thousands, but there were 12 baskets full of leftovers! Authentic thanksgiving is a key step to receiving blessings.

We reserve the fourth Thursday in November to celebrate traditions, with lots of eating, and hopefully, lots of gratitude given unto the Lord! Consequently, this time of year can also highlight the areas in our lives that we experience lack or discontentment. Perhaps it’s your finances—that’s usually what we think of first. 

How about the size of your home, your wardrobe, etc? We can all find something we wished we had more of! Instead of focusing on what you want, or even need, thank God for the blessings you already have. When we offer a sacrifice of praise, even during hard times, we take the attention off of ourselves and place it on the Almighty God. Thanksgiving conquers our discontentment, and we gain the discipline of rejoicing always!

My mama used to say, “There will always be people who have more than you and those who will have less than you.” Don’t get caught up in the comparison game! This tactic of the enemy makes you miserable! The enemy likes to camp in this area of your heart, but when you count your blessings and are thankful for what you have, Satan packs up and moves out!

“Prayer is God’s ordained way to bring His miracle power to bear in human need.”
~ Wesley L. Duewel

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Holidays with the Help Club

Mama, we know that the holiday season can be so busy and full of endless commitments. It can feel incredibly overwhelming. But what if this year was different? What if you were able to enjoy your holidays in a more peaceful and life-giving way? Join the Help Club for Moms as we journey together, encouraging one another to focus our hearts and homes on Jesus this season!
