Living Wholeheartedly For GodIsampula

Living Wholeheartedly For God



God is looking for believers who will dedicate and consecrate themselves to carry out His plan for their lives, just as Jesus did at Gethsemane and throughout His earthly ministry. 

2 Chronicles 16:9 says the Lord’s eyes roam throughout the earth to find people whose hearts are dedicated to Him. God is looking for believers who will say, as Jesus did, “Not My will, Father, but Your will be done.”

When we pray the prayer of consecration, we are dedicating our whole being to do the will of God. The prayer of consecration causes us to flow into the purposes of God for our lives. It brings us into harmony with God’s highest call for our lives. Instead of asking God to bless our plans, we are choosing through consecration to find out what His best is for our lives and we are committing to follow Him fully.

One definition of the verb consecrate is “to devote to a purpose.” I think you’ll agree that Jesus was completely devoted to His purpose. He put His own wishes and feelings aside in order to fulfill God’s plan of redemption. He gave His own life to purchase your life and mine. That’s why we call His crucifixion “the passion of Christ.” It was with passion, or strong emotion, and zeal, that He completed His mission on the earth.

He did it by laying down His own will in favor of the Father’s. When we’re facing decisions and seeking God’s will for our lives, there is no better prayer to pray than, “Not my will, but Your will be done.” It is the prayer that never fails.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Living Wholeheartedly For God

The greatest privilege of every Christian is to hunger after God and live for Him with all your heart. There is nothing else more fulfilling. When you give God your all, life changes –– His best can come to pass. Let these 6 lessons help you to carve out a life of consecration, joy, and fulfillment.
