Finding Better HappinessIsampula

Finding Better Happiness


Joy Is Forever

God has an intricate plan for his creation. As we’ve already seen, He designed everything to be good. Adam and Eve were happy as they lived their lives with him, and until sin came in, they did not experience pain, difficulty, or hard times. They lived in a time of “shalom,” a Hebrew word that means peace, harmony, and fullness. 

Even though sin broke apart this shalom, God is in the midst of restoring it. Now that we have the Holy Spirit because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we can begin to experience the eternal joy that comes with the shalom he brings. As we live in the Spirit, we experience more of this joy. 

At some point, though, Christ will return, and He will bring shalom with Him as He brings His kingdom from heaven to earth. 

This is the greatest hope we can have. While we can experience joy today through His Spirit, the fullness of the joy found in His return will be infinite. 

As you read through today’s scriptures, pray that God will help you see His vision for humanity. Praise Him for His holy plan that allows us to experience joy today, tomorrow, and for the rest of time. When you go through your days and you experience the difficulties of life, hold on the hope you have in Christ Jesus: the hope in His first coming that made joy possible and His second that makes joy permanent.  

If you would like to talk to someone more about what this looks like click here. 

Usuku 4

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Finding Better Happiness

This study will look at how all people want happiness and how we naturally look for happiness in the wrong places. It will show readers how they can access the true happiness found only Christ.
