Financial ReleaseIsampula

Financial Release


What Isaac Taught Us

You serve the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Your Provider, your Multiplier, and your Deliverer. God revealed Himself to each generation uniquely while staying committed to the promise he made to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3.

Let’s examine Isaac's story. In Genesis 25:5, before Abraham dies, we read Abraham left all he owned to Isaac, that is, all of Abraham's natural possession. In Genesis 25:11, we read that God blessed Isaac after Abraham’s death-meaning God transferred the promise and anointing from Abraham to Isaac Abraham's spiritual possession.

Between Abraham’s death and Isaac moving to the Philistines in Gerar (Gen 26:1) was roughly 100 years. The reason Isaac moved was that there was a famine in the land. God blesses, preserves, and multiplies Isaac. Now here’s where Genesis 25:11 kicks in, Abram (Isaac’s father), in Genesis 12 went through a famine as well and went to Egypt - but God made (and kept) a promise.

The first thing Isaac taught us was obedience (Isaac stayed planted when God told him to not move). Secondly, Isaac planted seeds and God blessed his effort. Lastly, Isaac dug his father’s wells that were covered by the Philistines and didn’t change their names to fit the times. In other words, Isaac honored the former things.

Obedience in your giving, while planting seeds so God can bless your efforts, and maintaining a great attitude, are the keys to the sustainability of your release this season. I come in agreement with the expansion of your territory and pray you to become a great steward.

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Usuku 4

Mayelana naloluHlelo

Financial Release

There are over 700 verses in the Bible on the topic of money, God wants His children to be blessed, responsible, and influential in these last days. We're in a season of breakthrough and open Heavens. Financial releases occur when one abandons the former way of thinking and are intended to restructure the norm. This five-day journey will educate and prepare the body to receive, and steward the forthcoming release.
