Deep Breath預覽

How To Make Big Decisions
Have you ever felt lost in the dark?
Maybe today you feel lost in the dark about something you're facing this week? Maybe you're worried about a big decision and you can't see where the steps in front of you are leading.
Well the good news is that God wants to light up your path today! We find a powerful promise in Psalm 119:105 which says;
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Sometimes when the path forward feels fuzzy or unclear, it's easy for us to freeze up because we fear the unknown. It can be paralyzing! Or worse, it can make you run ahead of God without even knowing the direction you're going.
But, God has the answers. And God says he wants to light your path forward. Let the light of God’s Word guide your feet today. And, if you're unsure what to do next, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the way forward, one step at a time. In fact, let's do that right now with a breath prayer.
A breath prayer is like a bridge between your brain, the Bible, and your body. So relax your body right now. Settle your soul wherever you are. Just open your hands.
Take a deep breath and pray:
"Lord, your word is a lamp for my feet."
Breath out and pray:
"Light my path today, God."
Again, deep breath in and say out loud"
"Lord, your word is a lamp for my feet."
Breath out:
"Light my path today, God."
One more time.
"Lord, your word is a lamp for my feet."
"Light my path today, God."
Jesus, you are the light of the world, and we receive your divine direction this morning. Would your Holy Spirit guide everyone reading these words today in every decision they face. Direct their steps. Don't let them stumble. Light a clear path forward today.
Lord, we don't need to know the whole plan. We don't have to see everything. But would you just reveal the next step?
In Jesus' name, Amen.