Deep Breath預覽

Find Safety With God
There's a promise God makes to us in Psalm chapter 91:4, which says:
“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
Now, at first glance, feathers may not seem like all that much protection, right? When you think of a bird like a bald eagle providing protection, you may think of its sharp talons or its fierce beak. But the truth is, an eagle's feathers are what gives baby chicks comfort and protection. The feathers act like a raincoat. They shield the baby eagles from wind and rain. And the down feathers insulate the chicks, keeping them warm.
Eagles will carefully take care of their babies and tenderly feed them. When an eagle is providing for its eaglets, you’ll even see it soar down from its perch to pluck a fish out of a nearby lake to take back to its chicks. It may even need to fight off other birds who want to steal this food.
Friends, that is a picture of how God wants to feed and protect you today! Repeat God's promise slowly and out loud:
“He will cover you with his feathers.
God will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
God's love for you is faithful, it is fierce, and it is true. And His promises will protect you today—no matter what you're facing! Whether you're facing temptation, experiencing sickness, or feel under spiritual attack, according to this verse, God's got you covered. He will cover you with His feathers. You're shielded, friends. You're safe and warm beneath your Father's wings.
Let's breathe the scripture in and let it center your soul.
Deep breath in: "Lord, cover me with your feathers."
Breathe out: "And shelter me with your wings."
Let's try it again. Center yourself. Quiet your mind.
Inhale: "Lord, cover me with your feathers."
Exhale: "And shelter me with your wings."
Let's pray one more time.
Inhale: "Lord, cover me with your feathers."
Exhale: "And shelter me with your wings."
Father, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, a prayer of protection over every man and woman reading these words right now. I pray the blood of Jesus covers them over and against every evil thing, every wicked plan or foul spirit that would come against them.
Father, every promise of yours is faithful and true, so would you shield us today? Protect us when we feel alone. Cover us with your feathers and shelter us with your wings.
In Jesus' name, Amen.