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Relieving the Tension

Can we begin our time together today with prayer?

Jesus, move our hearts today to learn of the miracle you want to do in all of us. I believe that you have a personal miracle in store for my friend. Give them the wisdom to hear your still, small voice and to respond with obedience and hope. I pray this in your powerful name. Amen.

As I have been sharing with you about my journey to slow my life (and my driving) down, I have begun to see some significant changes. My car used to be a place of tension, anxiety, arguments (my amazing wife has wanted me to slow down for a LONG time!), and defensiveness. Laurel would point out the deficits in my driving (and rightfully so!), and I was quick to defend my actions (in an ungodly response). Inevitably, arguments would escalate, and we would inevitably end up in a place of silence and anger.

Since I began to slow down, I began learning some amazing lessons. As my speed came down, so did our anxiety. As the pace slowed, so did my need to defend my actions. As the speedometer was reduced, so did my fear of getting pulled over and penalized for breaking the law. As I embraced a slower and safer approach to life, our harmony increased to the point where now, our car is a place of conversation, enjoyment, and connection.

I love this promise from Exodus 33:14:

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14, NIV)

When we walk in step with God’s presence and pace, He promises to be with us, which allows us to enter the miracle of His rest! I am not saying God is not with you when you are speeding. But, when you match His pace, you will find His presence is more obvious, and He is truly EVERYWHERE!

The other day, I read this verse in my own quiet time. Isaiah 35:4 says, "Say to those who have an anxious heart, 'Be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” (Isaiah 35:4, NIV)

There are moments when you may have to say this verse to someone you truly love because their anxiety and fear are coming from a source that is outside of your control. If, however, the source of their fear is your rate of speed, you can calm their heart and dispel their fear by just slowing down.

Slow us down, Lord. Help us to see that you are the God of calm and peace and that we can embrace these virtues as we walk in step with your Spirit.

I invite you to take a moment and ask yourself, “What can I do today to reduce the fear and anxiety in my life and the lives of those around me?” Reflect on this question, and then go out and make the change in the power of Jesus’ name!

You are a miracle!

Your Friend,


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Have you ever thought about what you can actually accomplish when you slow down? You and me both! I am also guilty of taking life too fast. But what could God do through you (and me!) if we just slow down to really pray and think through our next steps?
